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NETBible: Strong -- 2480

ischuo <2480>

iscuw ischuo

Origin:from 2479
Reference:TDNT - 3:397,378
In Greek:iscuei 4, iscuein 1, iscuen 2, iscuon 3, iscuontev 2, iscuontov 1, iscusamen 2, iscusan 3, iscusate 1, iscusav 1, iscusen 5, iscusousin 1, iscuw 2
In NET:they were able 3, could 2, was able 2, are healthy 2, Couldn't you 1, force 1, good 1, He prevailed 1, carries 1, has effectiveness 1, I am able 1, I'm strong enough 1, is able 1, was strong enough 1, we were able 1, were able 1, will be able to 1, was strong 1, to prevail 1, you stay awake 1, they could 1, they were unable 1, have been able 1
In AV:can (could) 9, be able 6, avail 3, prevail 3, be whole 2, cannot + 3756 1, can do 1, may 1, misc 3
Definition:1) to be strong
1a) to be strong in body, to be robust, to be in sound health
2) to have power
2a) to have power as shown by extraordinary deeds
2a1) to exert, wield power, to have strength to overcome
2b) to be a force, avail
2c) to be serviceable
2d) to be able, can
from 2479; to have (or exercise) force (literally or
figuratively):-be able, avail, can do(-not), could, be good, might,
prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work.
see GREEK for 2479

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