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NETBible: Strong -- 2478

ischuros <2478>

iscurov ischuros

Origin:from 2479
Reference:TDNT - 3:397,378
In Greek:iscura 4, iscurai 1, iscuran 1, iscurav 1, iscuroi 4, iscuron 4, iscuroteroi 1, iscuroteron 1, iscuroterov 4, iscurou 2, iscurov 3, iscurwn 2
In NET:powerful 5, strong 4, more powerful than 3, a strong man's 2, a powerful 2, stronger than 2, loud 2, strong man 2, a strong man 1, of powerful 1, a stronger man 1, severe 1, forceful 1, mighty 1
In AV:mighty 10, strong 9, strong man 5, boisterous 1, powerful 1, valiant 1
Definition:1) strong, mighty
1a) of living beings
1a1) strong either in body or in mind
1a2) of one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of
Satan, strong and therefore exhibiting many excellences
1b) on inanimate things
1b1) strong, violent, forcibly uttered, firm, sure
from 2479; forcible (literally or figuratively):-boisterous,
mighty(-ier), powerful, strong(-er, man), valiant.
see GREEK for 2479

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