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NETBible: Strong -- 1415

dunatos <1415>

dunatov dunatos

Origin:from 1410
Reference:TDNT - 2:284,186
In Greek:dunata 6, dunatoi 4, dunaton 9, dunatov 13
In NET:possible 13, able 6, strong 3, powerful 3, could 1, made powerful 1, well-versed 1, power 1, mighty 1
In AV:possible 13, able 10, mighty 6, strong 3, could 1, power 1, mighty man 1
Definition:1) able, powerful, mighty, strong
1a) mighty in wealth and influence
1b) strong in soul
1b1) to bear calamities and trials with fortitude and patience
1b2) strong in Christian virtue
2) to be able (to do something)
2a) mighty, excelling in something
2b) having power for something
from 1410; powerful or capable (literally or figuratively); neuter
possible:-able, could, (that is) mighty (man), possible, power,
see GREEK for 1410

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