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NETBible: Strong -- 1410

dunamai <1410>

dunamai dunamai

Origin:of uncertain affinity
Reference:TDNT - 2:284,186
In Greek:dunaimhn 1, dunainto 2, dunamai 7, dunamena 2, dunamenai 1, dunamenh 1, dunamenoi 3, dunamenon 4, dunamenou 3, dunamenouv 1, dunamenov 5, dunamenw 4, dunamenwn 1, dunameya 8, dunantai 10, dunasai 7, dunasyai 8, dunasye 26, dunasye]] 1, dunatai 70, dunh 4, dunhsesye 2, dunhsetai 5, dunhsh 1, dunhsomeya 1, dunhsontai 1, dunhtai 1, dunhyhte 1, dunwntai 1, edunasye 1, edunato 11, hdunanto 3, hdunasyh 1, hdunato 4, hdunhyhmen 2, hdunhyhn 1, hdunhyhsan 3, hdunhyhte 1
In NET:can 41, cannot 28, could 15, is able 14, able 7, you cannot 7, he cannot 6, you can 6, You cannot 5, will be able 5, was able 5, you are able 5, they could 5, he is able 4, I cannot 3, Can 3, you will be able 3, We are able 2, Are you able 2, I am able 2, be able 2, he was able 2, they were able 2, unable 2, you can make 2, May we 1, we cannot 1, we can 1, are able 1, was unable 1, I could 1, were able 1, you are ready 1, As can 1, Couldn't 1, He cannot 1, are you able 1, we do 1, you were ready 1, incapable 1, they could do 1, they can 1, it is impossible 1, may be able 1, he could 1, couldn't 1, can I 1, she could 1, can't 1, you may be able 1, you evaluate 1, was allowed 1
In AV:can (could) 100, cannot + 3756 45, be able 37, may (might) 18, able 3, misc 7
Definition:1) to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and
resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable
circumstances, or by permission of law or custom
2) to be able to do something
3) to be capable, strong and powerful
of uncertain affinity; to be able or possible:-be able, can (do, +
-not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power.

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