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NETBible: Strong -- 1166

deiknuo <1166>

deiknuw deiknuo

Origin:a prolonged form of an obsolete primary of the same meaning
Reference:TDNT - 2:25,*
In Greek:deicyenta 1, deiknuein 1, deiknueiv 1, deiknumi 1, deiknuontov 1, deiknusin 2, deixai 2, deixate 1, deixatw 1, deixei 4, deixon 6, deixw 5, edeixa 1, edeixen 6
In NET:show 4, I will show 4, showed 4, will show 3, Show 3, to show 3, he showed 2, can you show 1, I can show 1, has shown 1, I have shown 1, he will show 1, will reveal 1, shows 1, shown 1, showing 1, he should show 1
In AV:show 31
Definition:1) to show, expose to the eyes
2) metaph.
2a) to give evidence or proof of a thing
2b) to show by words or teach
a prolonged form of an obsolete primary of the same meaning; to show
(literally or figuratively):-shew.

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