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NETBible: Strong -- 08248

shaqah <08248>

hqv shaqah

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 2452
In Hebrew:qsyw 5, twqshl 5, hqshw 4, ynyqsh 3, wqsy 3, tyqshw 3, ynqsy 2, hqsa 2, hqsy 2, whqstw 2, hqsm 2, Nyqstw 2, wnqsn 1, wnyqshw 1, wntyqsh 1, Kqsa 1, htyqshw 1, qstw 1, htqsh 1, Mwqsyw 1, ynwqsy 1, hnqsa 1, hqsaw 1, twqshw 1, wmqstw 1, wnqsyw 1, ytyqshw 1, hqsn 1, wqshw 1, hqst 1, Mytyqshw 1, wqstw 1, wtqshl 1, wqsh 1, whqsyw 1, Mqst 1, whqsh 1, Mytqshw 1
In NET:drink 14, water 7, watered 4, drunk 3, give drink 3, gave drink 2, give water 2, Give drink 2, Drinks 1, gave water 1, give water to drink 1, quench the thirst 1, moist 1, made drunk 1, irrigated 1, watering 1
In AV:drink 43, water 17, butler 9, cupbearer 3, misc 1
Definition:1) to give to drink, irrigate, drink, water, cause to drink water
1a) (Hiphil)
1a1) to water, irrigate
1a2) to water, give drink to
1b) (Pual) to be watered
1c) (Niphal) variant
a primitive root; to quaff, i.e. (causatively) to irrigate or
furnish a potion to:-cause to (give, give to, let, make to)
drink, drown, moisten, water. See 7937, 8354.
see HEBREW for 07937
see HEBREW for 08354

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