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NETBible: Strong -- 07892

shiyr <07892>

ryv shiyr or fem. hryv shiyrah

Pronunciation:sheer shee-raw'
Origin:from 07891
Reference:TWOT - 2378a 2378b
PrtSpch:noun masculine, noun feminime
In Hebrew:rys 51, hrysh 10, rysh 5, rysb 4, rysbw 2, rysw 1, Myrsb 1, rysk 1, Myrsbw 1, Myrysbw 1, yrysmw 1, Myrysh 1, Kyrs 1, *wrys {hrys} 1, trys 1, twrys 1, rysm 1, trysk 1, Mkyrys 1, wrys 1, ryshw 1, hrysa 1, Kyrys 1
In NET:song 55, songs 10, sing 5, music 4, musical 4, instruments 3, singing 3, musicians 2, Song 2, singers 1
In AV:song 74, musick 7, singing 4, musical 2, sing 1, singers 1, song + 01697 1
Definition:n m
1) song
1a) lyric song
1b) religious song
1c) song of Levitical choirs

n f
2) song
2a) song, ode
or feminine shiyrah {shee-raw'}; from 7891; a song;
abstractly, singing:-musical(-ick), X sing(-er, -ing), song.
see HEBREW for 07891

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