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NETBible: Strong -- 02009

hinneh <02009>

hnh hinneh

Origin:prolongation for 02005
Reference:TWOT - 510a
PrtSpch:demonstrative particle
In Hebrew:hnh 448, hnhw 359, ynnh 10, Mnh 8, Mnhw 7, Knh 5, wnnh 1, awh *hnhw {whnhw} 1, wnhw 1, Mknhw 1
In NET:Look 177, look 42, saw 29, Here 23, if 15, Indeed 15, noticed 15, See 12, Now 10, indeed 10, found 9, see 8, Then 8, realized 6, If 5, now 5, Yes 4, Certainly 3, here 3, Take note 3, and 3, that 3, Here's 2, Here is 2, concluded 2, find 2, watch 2, suddenly 2, Since 2, there 2, Look Like 2, there was 2, Consider 2, certainly 2, Beware 2, instead 2, heard 2, watched 2, moment 2, All right 2, Attention 1, there is 1, Realize 1, Moreover 1, Listen to 1, Note 1, Pay attention 1, Observe 1, In fact 1, Furthermore 1, For sure 1, Even now 1, Come quickly 1, Right there 1, watch out 1, Be certain of this 1, Be sure 1, Be sure of this 1, Just then 1, Take a good look 1, so 1, sees 1, fellow 1, examine 1, can 1, discovered 1, holding 1, seemed 1, looked at 1, most certainly 1, observed 1, located 1, perceived 1, but 1, beware 1, take note 1, There 1, noticing 1, noteworthy 1, So look 1, Suddenly 1, There were 1, Therefore 1, While 1, where 1, Watch out 1, Watch closely 1, This very minute 1, then 1
In AV:Behold, see, lo, here...I, and lo
Definition:1) behold, lo, see, if
prolongation for 2005; lo!:-behold, lo, see.
see HEBREW for 02005

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