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NETBible: Strong -- 01107

bil`adey <01107>

ydelb bil`adey or ydelb bal`adey

Pronunciation:bil-ad-ay' bal-ad-ay'
Origin:constructive pl. from 01077 and 05703
Reference:TWOT - 246h
In Hebrew:ydelbm 8, ydelb 4, ydelbmh 3, ydelbmw 1, Kydelbw 1
In NET:but 4, besides 4, But 1, aside 1, not within 1, what cannot 1, other than 1, nothing except 1, without your permission 1
In AV:beside 7, save 4, without 4, not in me 1, not 1
Definition:1) apart from, except, without, besides
or balmadey {bal-ad-ay'}; constructive plural from 1077 and
5703, not till, i.e. (as preposition or adverb) except,
without, besides:-beside, not (in), save, without.
see HEBREW for 01077
see HEBREW for 05703

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