(1.00) | 2Ch 11:15 | Jeroboam 1 appointed his own priests to serve at the worship centers 2 and to lead in the worship of the goat idols and calf idols he had made. 3 |
(0.82) | 2Ch 8:4 | He built up Tadmor in the wilderness and all the storage cities he had built in Hamath. |
(0.82) | Mic 5:14 | I will uproot your images of Asherah 1 from your midst, and destroy your idols. 2 |
(0.71) | Isa 23:11 | The Lord stretched out his hand over the sea, 1 he shook kingdoms; he 2 gave the order to destroy Canaan’s fortresses. 3 |
(0.71) | Amo 7:9 | Isaac’s centers of worship 1 will become desolate; Israel’s holy places will be in ruins. I will attack Jeroboam’s dynasty with the sword.” 2 |
(0.71) | 1Ti 3:13 | For those who have served well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves 1 and great boldness in the faith that is in Christ Jesus. 2 |
(0.59) | Exo 1:11 | So they put foremen 1 over the Israelites 2 to oppress 3 them with hard labor. As a result 4 they built Pithom and Rameses 5 as store cities for Pharaoh. |
(0.59) | 1Ki 9:19 | all the storage cities that belonged to him, 1 and the cities where chariots and horses were kept. 2 He built whatever he wanted in Jerusalem, Lebanon, and throughout his entire kingdom. 3 |
(0.59) | Hos 10:8 | The high places of the “House 1 of Wickedness” 2 will be destroyed; it is the place where Israel sins. Thorns and thistles will grow up over its altars. Then they will say to the mountains, “Cover us!” and to the hills, “Fall on us!” |
(0.59) | Hos 12:11 | Is there idolatry 1 in Gilead? 2 Certainly its inhabitants 3 will come to nothing! 4 Do they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal? Surely their altars will be like stones heaped up on a plowed field! |
(0.59) | Mic 1:5 | All this is because of Jacob’s rebellion and 1 the sins of the nation 2 of Israel. How has Jacob rebelled, you ask? 3 Samaria epitomizes their rebellion! 4 Where are Judah’s pagan worship centers, you ask? 5 They are right in Jerusalem! 6 |
(0.47) | 2Ch 8:6 | and built up Baalath, all the storage cities that belonged to him, 1 and all the cities where chariots and horses were kept. 2 He built whatever he wanted in Jerusalem, 3 Lebanon, and throughout his entire kingdom. 4 |