(0.35) | 2Co 12:12 | Indeed, the signs of an apostle were performed among you with great perseverance 1 by signs and wonders and powerful deeds. 2 |
(0.35) | 2Co 12:16 | But be that as it may, I have not burdened you. Yet because I was a crafty person, I took you in by deceit! |
(0.35) | Gal 6:17 | From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body. 1 |
(0.35) | 1Th 4:10 | And indeed you are practicing it toward all the brothers and sisters 1 in all of Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more, 2 |
(0.35) | Heb 2:4 | while God confirmed their witness 1 with signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed 2 according to his will. |
(0.35) | Heb 9:22 | Indeed according to the law almost everything was purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. |
(0.35) | Rev 11:7 | When 1 they have completed their testimony, the beast that comes up from the abyss will make war on them and conquer 2 them and kill them. |
(0.33) | Isa 45:21 | Tell me! Present the evidence! 1 Let them consult with one another! Who predicted this in the past? Who announced it beforehand? Was it not I, the Lord? I have no peer, there is no God but me, a God who vindicates and delivers; 2 there is none but me. |
(0.33) | Mat 12:42 | The queen of the South 1 will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon – and now, 2 something greater than Solomon is here! |
(0.33) | Rom 4:11 | And he received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised, 1 so that he would become 2 the father of all those who believe but have never been circumcised, 3 that they too could have righteousness credited to them. |
(0.33) | 1Co 4:5 | So then, do not judge anything before the time. Wait until the Lord comes. He will 1 bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the motives of hearts. Then each will receive recognition 2 from God. |
(0.29) | Gen 9:12 | And God said, “This is the guarantee 1 of the covenant I am making 2 with you 3 and every living creature with you, a covenant 4 for all subsequent 5 generations: |
(0.29) | Gen 31:37 | When you searched through all my goods, did you find anything that belonged to you? 1 Set it here before my relatives and yours, 2 and let them settle the dispute between the two of us! 3 |
(0.29) | Gen 46:29 | Joseph harnessed his chariot and went up to meet his father Israel in Goshen. When he met him, 1 he hugged his neck and wept on his neck for quite some time. |
(0.29) | Deu 17:4 | When it is reported to you and you hear about it, you must investigate carefully. If it is indeed true that such a disgraceful thing 1 is being done in Israel, |
(0.29) | 1Sa 12:7 | Now take your positions, so I may confront you 1 before the Lord regarding all the Lord’s just actions toward you and your ancestors. 2 |
(0.29) | 2Ch 21:10 | So Edom has remained free from Judah’s control to this very day. 1 At that same time Libnah also rebelled and freed themselves from Judah’s control 2 because Jehoram 3 rejected the Lord God of his ancestors. |
(0.29) | Ezr 2:59 | These are the ones that came up from Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon, and Immer (although they were unable to certify 1 their family connection 2 or their ancestry, 3 as to whether they really were from Israel): |
(0.29) | Psa 19:4 | Yet its voice 1 echoes 2 throughout the earth; its 3 words carry 4 to the distant horizon. 5 In the sky 6 he has pitched a tent for the sun. 7 |
(0.29) | Psa 86:17 | Show me evidence of your favor! 1 Then those who hate me will see it and be ashamed, 2 for you, O Lord, will help me and comfort me. 3 |