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1 Kings 1:12

1:12 Now 1  let me give you some advice as to how 2  you can save your life and your son Solomon’s life.

1 Kings 1:21

1:21 If a decision is not made, 3  when my master the king is buried with his ancestors, 4  my son Solomon and I 5  will be considered state criminals.” 6 

1 Kings 1:26

1:26 But he did not invite me – your servant – or Zadok the priest, or Benaiah son of Jehoiada, or your servant Solomon.

1 Kings 1:33-34

1:33 and he 7  told them, “Take your master’s 8  servants with you, put my son Solomon on my mule, and lead him down to Gihon. 9  1:34 There Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet will anoint 10  him king over Israel; then blow the trumpet and declare, ‘Long live King Solomon!’

1 Kings 2:13


2:13 Haggith’s son Adonijah visited Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother. She asked, “Do you come in peace?” He answered, “Yes.” 11 

1 Kings 2:17

2:17 He said, “Please ask King Solomon if he would give me Abishag the Shunammite as a wife, for he won’t refuse you.” 12 

1 Kings 2:23


2:23 King Solomon then swore an oath by the Lord, “May God judge me severely, 13  if Adonijah does not pay for this request with his life! 14 

1 Kings 2:27

2:27 Solomon dismissed Abiathar from his position as priest of the Lord, 15  fulfilling the decree of judgment the Lord made in Shiloh against the family of Eli. 16 

1 Kings 2:46

2:46 The king then gave the order to Benaiah son of Jehoiada who went and executed Shimei. 17 

So Solomon took firm control of the kingdom. 18 

1 Kings 3:3

3:3 Solomon demonstrated his loyalty to the Lord by following 19  the practices 20  of his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.

1 Kings 3:5

3:5 One night in Gibeon the Lord appeared 21  to Solomon in a dream. God said, “Tell 22  me what I should give you.”

1 Kings 4:7


4:7 Solomon had twelve district governors appointed throughout Israel who acquired supplies for the king and his palace. Each was responsible for one month in the year.

1 Kings 4:29


4:29 God gave Solomon wisdom and very great discernment; the breadth of his understanding 23  was as infinite as the sand on the seashore.

1 Kings 4:34

4:34 People from all nations came to hear Solomon’s display of wisdom; 24  they came from all the kings of the earth who heard about his wisdom.

1 Kings 5:8

5:8 Hiram then sent this message to Solomon: “I received 25  the message you sent to me. I will give you all the cedars and evergreens you need. 26 

1 Kings 6:21

6:21 Solomon plated the inside of the temple with gold. 27  He hung golden chains in front of the inner sanctuary and plated the inner sanctuary 28  with gold.

1 Kings 6:37


6:37 In the month Ziv 29  of the fourth year of Solomon’s reign 30  the foundation was laid for the Lord’s temple.

1 Kings 7:40


7:40 Hiram also made basins, shovels, and bowls. He 31  finished all the work on the Lord’s temple he had been assigned by King Solomon. 32 

1 Kings 7:45

7:45 and the pots, shovels, and bowls. All these items King Solomon assigned Hiram to make for the Lord’s temple 33  were made from polished bronze.

1 Kings 7:48


7:48 Solomon also made all these items for the Lord’s temple: the gold altar, the gold table on which was kept the Bread of the Presence, 34 

1 Kings 8:22

Solomon Prays for Israel

8:22 Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in front of the entire assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward the sky. 35 

1 Kings 9:1

The Lord Gives Solomon a Promise and a Warning

9:1 After Solomon finished building the Lord’s temple, the royal palace, and all the other construction projects he had planned, 36 

1 Kings 9:22-23

9:22 Solomon did not assign Israelites to these work crews; 37  the Israelites served as his soldiers, attendants, officers, charioteers, and commanders of his chariot forces. 38  9:23 These men were also in charge of Solomon’s work projects; there were a total of 550 men who supervised the workers. 39 

1 Kings 9:26-27


9:26 King Solomon also built ships 40  in Ezion Geber, which is located near Elat in the land of Edom, on the shore of the Red Sea. 9:27 Hiram sent his fleet and some of his sailors, who were well acquainted with the sea, to serve with Solomon’s men. 41 

1 Kings 10:13

10:13 King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba everything she requested, besides what he had freely offered her. 42  Then she left and returned 43  to her homeland with her attendants.

1 Kings 10:26


10:26 Solomon accumulated 44  chariots and horses. He had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses. He kept them in assigned cities and in Jerusalem. 45 

1 Kings 11:1

The Lord Punishes Solomon for Idolatry

11:1 King Solomon fell in love with many foreign women (besides Pharaoh’s daughter), including Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites.

1 Kings 11:4

11:4 When Solomon became old, his wives shifted his allegiance to 46  other gods; he was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his father David had been. 47 

1 Kings 11:6-7

11:6 Solomon did evil in the Lord’s sight; 48  he did not remain loyal to 49  the Lord, like his father David had. 11:7 Furthermore, 50  on the hill east of Jerusalem 51  Solomon built a high place 52  for the detestable Moabite god Chemosh 53  and for the detestable Ammonite god Milcom. 54 

1 Kings 11:9


11:9 The Lord was angry with Solomon because he had shifted his allegiance 55  away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him on two occasions 56 

1 Kings 11:23


11:23 God also brought against Solomon 57  another enemy, Rezon son of Eliada who had run away from his master, King Hadadezer of Zobah.

1 Kings 11:25-26

11:25 He was Israel’s enemy throughout Solomon’s reign and, like Hadad, caused trouble. He loathed 58  Israel and ruled over Syria.

11:26 Jeroboam son of Nebat, one of Solomon’s servants, rebelled against 59  the king. He was an Ephraimite 60  from Zeredah whose mother was a widow named Zeruah.

1 Kings 11:43

11:43 Then Solomon passed away 61  and was buried in the city of his father David. 62  His son Rehoboam replaced him as king. 63 

1 Kings 12:2

12:2 64  When Jeroboam son of Nebat heard the news, he was still in Egypt, where he had fled from King Solomon and had been living ever since. 65 

1 Kings 12:23

12:23 “Say this to King Rehoboam son of Solomon of Judah, and to all Judah and Benjamin, as well as the rest of the people,

1 Kings 14:26

14:26 He took away the treasures of the Lord’s temple and of the royal palace; he took everything, including all the golden shields that Solomon had made.

1 tn Heb “now, come.” The imperative of הָלַךְ (halakh) is here used as an introductory interjection. See BDB 234 s.v. חָלַךְ.

2 tn Or “so that.”

3 tn The words “if a decision is not made” are added for clarification.

4 tn Heb “lies down with his fathers.”

5 tn Heb “I and my son Solomon.” The order has been reversed in the translation for stylistic reasons.

6 tn Heb “will be guilty”; NASB “considered offenders”; TEV “treated as traitors.”

7 tn Heb “the king.”

8 tn The plural form is used in the Hebrew text to indicate honor and authority.

9 tn Heb “mount Solomon my son on the mule that belongs to me and take him down to Gihon.”

10 tn Or “designate” (i.e., by anointing with oil).

11 tn Heb “[in] peace.”

12 tn Heb “Say to Solomon the king, for he will not turn back your face, that he might give to me Abishag the Shunammite for a wife.”

13 tn Heb “So may God do to me, and so may he add.”

14 tn Heb “if with his life Adonijah has not spoken this word.”

15 tn Heb “Solomon drove out Abiathar from being a priest to the Lord.

16 tn Heb “fulfilling the word of the Lord which he spoke against the house of Eli in Shiloh.”

17 tn “The king commanded Benaiah son of Jehoiada and he went out and struck him down and he died.”

18 tn “And the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon.”

19 tn Heb “Solomon loved the Lord by walking in.”

20 tn Or “policies, rules.”

21 tn Or “revealed himself.”

22 tn Heb “ask.”

23 tn Heb “heart,” i.e., mind. (The Hebrew term translated “heart” often refers to the mental faculties.)

24 tn Heb “the wisdom of Solomon.”

25 tn Heb “heard.”

26 tn Heb “I will satisfy all your desire with respect to cedar wood and with respect to the wood of evergreens.”

27 tn Heb “with plated gold” (or perhaps, “with pure gold”).

28 tn Heb “it.”

29 sn In the month Ziv. This would be April-May, 966 b.c. by modern reckoning.

30 tn The words “of Solomon’s reign” are added for clarification. See v. 1.

31 tn Heb “Hiram.” The proper name has been replaced by the pronoun (“he”) in the translation for stylistic reasons.

32 tn Heb “Hiram finished doing all the work which he did for King Solomon [on] the house of the Lord.

33 tn Heb “which Hiram made for King Solomon [for] the house of the Lord.

34 tn Heb “the bread of the face [or presence].” Many recent English versions employ “the bread of the Presence,” although this does not convey much to the modern reader.

sn This bread was viewed as a perpetual offering to God and was regarded as holy. See Lev 24:5-9.

35 tn Or “heaven.”

36 tn Heb “and all the desire of Solomon which he wanted to do.”

37 sn These work crews. The work crews referred to here must be different than the temporary crews described in 5:13-16.

38 tn Heb “officers of his chariots and his horses.”

39 tn Heb “these [were] the officials of the governors who were over the work belonging to Solomon, five hundred fifty, the ones ruling over the people, the ones doing the work.”

40 tn Or “a fleet” (in which case “ships” would be implied).

41 tn Heb “and Hiram sent with the fleet his servants, men of ships, [who] know the sea, [to be] with the servants of Solomon.”

42 tn Heb “besides what he had given her according to the hand of King Solomon.”

43 tn Heb “turned and went.”

44 tn Or “gathered.”

45 tn Heb “he placed them in the chariot cities and with the king in Jerusalem.”

map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

46 tn Heb “bent his heart after.”

47 tn Heb “his heart was not complete with the Lord his God, like the heart of David his father.”

48 tn Heb “in the eyes of the Lord.”

49 tn The idiomatic statement reads in Hebrew, “he did not fill up after.”

50 tn Heb “then.”

51 sn The hill east of Jerusalem refers to the Mount of Olives.

map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

52 sn A high place. The “high places” were places of worship that were naturally or artificially elevated (see 1 Kgs 3:2).

53 tn Heb “Chemosh, the detestable thing of Moab.”

54 tc The MT reads “Molech,” but Milcom must be intended (see vv. 5, 33).

55 tn Heb “bent his heart.”

56 sn These two occasions are mentioned in 1 Kgs 3:5 and 9:2.

57 tn Heb “him”; the referent (Solomon) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

58 tn The construction (Qal of קוּץ + בְּ [quts + bet] preposition) is rare, but not without parallel (see Lev 20:23).

59 tn Heb “raised a hand against.”

60 tn Heb “Ephrathite,” which here refers to an Ephraimite (see HALOT 81 s.v. אֶפְרַיִם).

61 tn Heb “lay down with his fathers.”

62 sn The city of his father David. The phrase refers here to the fortress of Zion in Jerusalem, not to Bethlehem. See 2 Sam 5:7.

63 tc Before this sentence the Old Greek translation includes the following words: “And it so happened that when Jeroboam son of Nebat heard – now he was in Egypt where he had fled from before Solomon and was residing in Egypt – he came straight to his city in the land of Sarira which is on mount Ephraim. And king Solomon slept with his fathers.”

64 tc Verse 2 is not included in the Old Greek translation. See the note on 11:43.

65 tn Heb “and Jeroboam lived in Egypt.” The parallel text in 2 Chr 10:2 reads, “and Jeroboam returned from Egypt.” In a purely consonantal text the forms “and he lived” and “and he returned” are identical (וישׁב).

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