Psalms 9:7

9:7 But the Lord rules forever;

he reigns in a just manner.

Psalms 9:18

9:18 for the needy are not permanently ignored,

the hopes of the oppressed are not forever dashed.

Psalms 10:16

10:16 The Lord rules forever!

The nations are driven out of his land.

Psalms 33:11

33:11 The Lord’s decisions stand forever;

his plans abide throughout the ages.

Psalms 44:23

44:23 Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord?

Wake up! Do not reject us forever!

Psalms 45:17

45:17 I will proclaim your greatness through the coming years, 10 

then the nations will praise you 11  forever.

Psalms 48:14

48:14 For God, our God, is our defender forever! 12 

He guides 13  us! 14 

Psalms 49:9

49:9 so that he might continue to live 15  forever

and not experience death. 16 

Psalms 51:3

51:3 For I am aware of 17  my rebellious acts;

I am forever conscious of my sin. 18 

Psalms 61:7

61:7 May he reign 19  forever before God!

Decree that your loyal love and faithfulness should protect him. 20 

Psalms 74:10

74:10 How long, O God, will the adversary hurl insults?

Will the enemy blaspheme your name forever?

Psalms 77:7

77:7 I asked, 21  “Will the Lord reject me forever?

Will he never again show me his favor?

Psalms 85:5

85:5 Will you stay mad at us forever?

Will you remain angry throughout future generations? 22 

Psalms 89:36

89:36 His dynasty will last forever. 23 

His throne will endure before me, like the sun, 24 

Psalms 93:5

93:5 The rules you set down 25  are completely reliable. 26 

Holiness 27  aptly adorns your house, O Lord, forever. 28 

Psalms 111:3

111:3 His work is majestic and glorious, 29 

and his faithfulness endures 30  forever.

Psalms 111:8

111:8 They are forever firm,

and should be faithfully and properly carried out. 31 

Psalms 145:21

145:21 My mouth will praise the Lord. 32 

Let all who live 33  praise his holy name forever!

Psalms 146:10

146:10 The Lord rules forever,

your God, O Zion, throughout the generations to come! 34 

Praise the Lord!

tn The construction vav (ו) + subject highlights the contrast between the exalted Lord and his defeated foes (see v. 6).

tn Heb “sits” (i.e., enthroned, see v. 4). The imperfect verbal form highlights the generalization.

tn Heb “he establishes for justice his throne.”

tn Or “forgotten.”

tn Heb “the hope of the afflicted does [not] perish forever.” The negative particle is understood by ellipsis; note the preceding line. The imperfect verbal forms express what typically happens.

tn Heb “the Lord is king forever and ever.”

tn Or “the nations perish from his land.” The perfect verb form may express what is typical or it may express rhetorically the psalmist’s certitude that God’s deliverance is “as good as done.”

sn The nations may be the underlying reality behind the psalmist’s references to the “wicked” in the earlier verses. This reference to the nations may have motivated the combining of Ps 10 with Ps 9 (see Ps 9:5, 15, 19).

tn Heb “the thoughts of his heart for generation to generation.” The verb “abides” is supplied in the translation. The Lord’s “decisions” and “plans” here refer to his decrees and purposes.

sn Wake up! See Ps 35:23.

10 tn Heb “I will cause your name to be remembered in every generation and generation.” The cohortative verbal form expresses the poet’s resolve. The king’s “name” stands here for his reputation and character, which the poet praised in vv. 2-7.

11 sn The nations will praise you. As God’s vice-regent on earth, the king is deserving of such honor and praise.

12 tn Heb “for this is God, our God, forever and ever.” “This” might be paraphrased, “this protector described and praised in the preceding verses.”

13 tn The imperfect highlights the characteristic nature of the generalizing statement.

14 tn In the Hebrew text the psalm ends with the words עַל־מוּת (’al-mut, “upon [unto?] dying”), which make little, if any, sense. M. Dahood (Psalms [AB], 1:293) proposes an otherwise unattested plural form עֹלָמוֹת (’olamot; from עוֹלָם, ’olam, “eternity”). This would provide a nice parallel to עוֹלָם וָעֶד (’olam vaed, “forever”) in the preceding line, but elsewhere the plural of עוֹלָם appears as עֹלָמִים (’olamim). It is preferable to understand the phrase as a musical direction of some sort (see עַל־מוּת [’al-mut] in the superscription of Ps 9) or to emend the text to עַל־עֲלָמוֹת (’al-alamot, “according to the alamoth style”; see the heading of Ps 46). In either case it should be understood as belonging with the superscription of the following psalm.

15 tn The jussive verbal form with vav (ו) conjunctive is taken as indicating purpose/result in relation to the statement made in v. 8. (On this use of the jussive after an imperfect, see GKC 322 §109.f.) In this case v. 8 is understood as a parenthetical comment.

16 tn Heb “see the Pit.” The Hebrew term שַׁחַת (shakhat, “pit”) is often used as a title for Sheol (see Pss 16:10; 30:9; 55:24; 103:4).

17 tn Heb “know.”

18 tn Heb “and my sin [is] in front of me continually.”

19 tn Heb “sit [enthroned].” The prefixed verbal form is understood as a jussive here, expressing the psalmist’s prayer.

20 tn Heb “loyal love and faithfulness appoint, let them protect him.”

21 tn As in vv. 4 and 6a, the words of vv. 7-9 are understood as a quotation of what the psalmist said earlier. Therefore the words “I asked” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

22 tn Heb “Will your anger stretch to a generation and a generation?”

23 tn Heb “his offspring forever will be.”

24 tn Heb “and his throne like the sun before me.”

25 tn Traditionally “your testimonies.” The Hebrew noun עֵדוּת (’edut) refers here to the demands of God’s covenant law. See Ps 19:7.

26 sn The rules you set down. God’s covenant contains a clear, reliable witness to his moral character and demands.

27 sn Holiness refers here to God’s royal transcendence (see vv. 1-4), as well as his moral authority and perfection (see v. 5a).

28 tn Heb “for your house holiness is fitting, O Lord, for length of days.”

29 tn For other uses of the Hebrew phrase וְהָדָר-הוֹד (hod-vÿhadar, “majesty and splendor”) see 1 Chr 16:27; Job 40:10; Pss 21:5; 96:6; 104:1.

30 tn Or “stands.”

31 tn Heb “done in faithfulness and uprightness.” The passive participle probably has the force of a gerund. See L. C. Allen, Psalms 101-150 (WBC), 89.

32 tn Heb “the praise of the Lord my mouth will speak.”

33 tn Heb “all flesh.”

34 tn Heb “for a generation and a generation.”