Leviticus 11:46

11:46 This is the law of the land animals, the birds, all the living creatures that move in the water, and all the creatures that swarm on the land,

Leviticus 18:25

18:25 Therefore the land has become unclean and I have brought the punishment for its iniquity upon it, so that the land has vomited out its inhabitants.

Leviticus 18:27

18:27 for the people who were in the land before you have done all these abominations, and the land has become unclean.

Leviticus 25:2

25:2 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘When you enter the land that I am giving you, the land must observe a Sabbath to the Lord.

Leviticus 25:19

25:19 “‘The land will give its fruit and you may eat until you are satisfied, and you may live securely in the land.

Leviticus 25:23

25:23 The land must not be sold without reclaim because the land belongs to me, for you are foreigners and residents with me.

Leviticus 25:38

25:38 I am the Lord your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan – to be your God. 10 

Leviticus 26:20

26:20 Your strength will be used up in vain, your land will not give its yield, and the trees of the land 11  will not produce their fruit.

Leviticus 27:30

Redemption of the Tithe

27:30 “‘Any tithe 12  of the land, from the grain of the land or from the fruit of the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.

sn The Hebrew term translated “law” (תוֹרָה, torah) introduces here a summary or colophon for all of Lev 11. Similar summaries are found in Lev 7:37-38; 13:59; 14:54-57; and 15:32-33.

tn Heb “for all the creatures.”

tn Heb “And.” The Hebrew conjunction ו (vav, “and”) can be considered to have resultative or even inferential force here.

tn Heb “and I have visited its [punishment for] iniquity on it.” See the note on Lev 17:16 above.

tn Heb “for all these abominations the men of the land who were before you have done.”

tn Heb “the land shall rest a Sabbath.”

tn Heb “eat to satisfaction”; KJV, ASV “ye shall eat your fill.”

tn The term rendered “without reclaim” means that the land has been bought for the full price and is, therefore, not subject to reclaim under any circumstances. This was not to be done with land in ancient Israel (contrast the final full sale of houses in v. 30; see the evidence cited in B. A. Levine, Leviticus [JPSTC], 174).

tn That is, the Israelites were strangers and residents who were attached to the Lord’s household. They did not own the land. Note the parallel to the “priest’s lodger” in Lev 22:10.

10 tn Heb “to be to you for a God.”

11 tn Heb “the tree of the land will not give its fruit.” The collective singular has been translated as a plural. Tg. Onq., some medieval Hebrew mss, Smr, LXX, and Tg. Ps.-J. have “the field” as in v. 4, rather than “the land.”

12 tn On the “tithe” system in Israel, see R. E. Averbeck, NIDOTTE 2:1035-55 and esp. pp. 1041-42 on Lev 27:30-33.