Isaiah 3:13

3:13 The Lord takes his position to judge;

he stands up to pass sentence on his people.

Isaiah 30:4

30:4 Though his officials are in Zoan

and his messengers arrive at Hanes,

Isaiah 42:21

42:21 The Lord wanted to exhibit his justice

by magnifying his law and displaying it.

tc The Hebrew text has “nations,” but the preceding and following contexts make it clear that the Lord is judging his covenant people. עָמִים (’amim) should be changed (with support from the LXX) to עמו. The final mem (ם) on the form in the Hebrew is either dittographic or enclitic. When the mem was added or read as a plural ending, the vav (ו) was then misread as a yod (י).

sn This probably refers to Judah’s officials and messengers.

sn Zoan was located in the Egyptian delta in the north; Hanes was located somewhere in southern region of lower Egypt, south of Memphis; the exact location is debated.

tn Heb “The Lord was pleased for the sake of his righteousness [or “justice”], he was magnifying [the] law and was making [it] glorious.” The Lord contrasts his good intentions for the people with their present crisis (v. 22). To demonstrate his just character and attract the nations, the Lord wanted to showcase his law among and through Israel (Deut 4:5-8). But Israel disobeyed (v. 24) and failed to carry out their commission.