Word Study
: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: P- P. P/ P< Pa Pb Pc Pd Pe Pf Ph Pi Pj Pk Pl Pm Pn Po Pp Pr Ps Pt Pu Pv Pw Px Py
pinion and crown wheel | pinion and ring gear | pinioned | pinionist | pinite | Pink | pink bollworm | pink calla | pink cockatoo | pink disease | pink disease fungus



Adjective, Noun, Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)


Pinkn. [D. pink.].
     A vessel with a very narrow stern; -- called also pinky.  Sir W. Scott.  [1913 Webster]
Pink stern (Naut.), a narrow stern.
Pinkv. i. [D. pinken, pinkoogen, to blink, twinkle with the eyes.].
     To wink; to blink.  L'Estrange.  [1913 Webster]
     Half-shut; winking.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
Pinkv. t. [OE. pinken to prick, probably a nasalized form of pick.].
  •  To pierce with small holes; to cut the edge of, as cloth or paper, in small scallops or angles.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To stab; to pierce as with a sword.  Addison.  [1913 Webster]
  •  To choose; to cull; to pick out.  Herbert.  [1913 Webster]
     A stab.  Grose.  [1913 Webster]
Pinkn. [Perh. akin to pick; as if the edges of the petals were picked out. Cf. Pink, v. t.].
  •  A name given to several plants of the caryophyllaceous genus Dianthus, and to their flowers, which are sometimes very fragrant and often double in cultivated varieties. The species are mostly perennial herbs, with opposite linear leaves, and handsome five-petaled flowers with a tubular calyx.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A color resulting from the combination of a pure vivid red with more or less white; -- so called from the common color of the flower.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Anything supremely excellent; the embodiment or perfection of something.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
  •  The European minnow; -- so called from the color of its abdomen in summer.  [1913 Webster]
Bunch pink is Dianthus barbatus. -- China pink, or Indian pink. See under China. -- Clove pink is Dianthus Caryophyllus, the stock from which carnations are derived. -- Garden pink. See Pheasant's eye. -- Meadow pink is applied to Dianthus deltoides; also, to the ragged robin. -- Maiden pink, Dianthus deltoides. -- Moss pink. See under Moss. -- Pink needle, the pin grass; -- so called from the long, tapering points of the carpels. See Alfilaria. -- Sea pink. See Thrift.
     Resembling the garden pink in color; of the color called pink (see 6th Pink, 2); as, a pink dress; pink ribbons.  [1913 Webster]
Pink eye (Med.), a popular name for an epidemic variety of ophthalmia, associated with early and marked redness of the eyeball. -- Pink salt (Chem. & Dyeing), the double chlorides of (stannic) tin and ammonium, formerly much used as a mordant for madder and cochineal. -- Pink saucer, a small saucer, the inner surface of which is covered with a pink pigment.


Pink, n. & adj.
1 a pale red colour (decorated in pink).
2 a any cultivated plant of the genus Dianthus, with sweet-smelling white, pink, crimson, etc. flowers. b the flower of this plant.
3 (prec. by the) the most perfect condition etc. (the pink of elegance).
4 (also hunting-pink) a a fox-hunter's red coat. b the cloth for this. c a fox-hunter.
1 (often in comb.) of a pale red colour of any of various shades (rose-pink; salmon-pink).
2 esp. derog. tending to socialism.

in the pink colloq. in very good health. pink-collar (usu. attrib.) (of a profession etc.) traditionally associated with women (cf. white-collar, blue-collar (see BLUE(1))). pink disease a disease of young children with pink discoloration of the extremities. pink elephants colloq. hallucinations caused by alcoholism. pink-eye
1 a contagious fever in horses.
2 contagious ophthalmia in humans and some livestock. pink-gin gin flavoured with angostura bitters.
pinkish adj. pinkly adv. pinkness n. pinky adj.
Pink, v.tr.
1 pierce slightly with a sword etc.
2 cut a scalloped or zigzag edge on.
3 (often foll. by out) ornament (leather etc.) with perforations.
4 adorn; deck.

pinking shears (or scissors) a dressmaker's serrated shears for cutting a zigzag edge.
Pink, v.intr. (of a vehicle engine) emit a series of high-pitched explosive sounds caused by faulty combustion.

Pink, n. hist. a sailing-ship, esp. with a narrow stern, orig. small and flat-bottomed.

Pink, n. a yellowish lake pigment made by combining vegetable colouring matter with a white base (brown pink; French pink).

Pink, n. Brit.
1 a young salmon.
2 dial. a minnow.

15th c. penk, of unkn. orig.



Bolshevik, India pink, Jacobin, Vandyke, Wobbly, acme, acme of perfection, anarchist, anarchistic, anarcho-syndicalist, annatto, auger, bite, blaze, blooming, bore, broach, burnt rose, chop, climax, color, consummation, coral, countersink, crenellate, crenulate, crimp, crimson, culmination, cut, drill, empierce, extreme, extreme left-winger, extremist, extremistic, fiesta, fix, flesh, flesh color, flesh red, flush, flushed, fresh, fresh as April, gash, glow, gore, gouge, gouge out, green, healthy, hearty, height, highest pitch, hole, honeycomb, impale, in good shape, in the pink, incarnadine, incise, indent, jag, knurl, lance, last word, left-wing extremist, livid pink, lunatic fringe, machicolate, mallow pink, mantle, melon, mild radical, mildly radical, mill, moonlight, ne plus ultra, needle, nick, nihilist, nihilistic, notch, orchid rose, parlor Bolshevik, parlor pink, peach, peachblossom pink, peak, penetrate, perfection, perforate, picot, pierce, pink of perfection, pinkish, pinkishness, pinkness, pinko, pinky, pinnacle, prick, primrose, punch, puncture, radical, ream, ream out, red, red pink, redden, revolutionary, revolutionist, riddle, rose, rose pink, rose-colored, rose-hued, rose-red, roseate, rosiness, rosy, rosy-cheeked, rouge, royal pink, ruddy, run through, salmon, sans-culotte, scallop, scarify, scarlet madder, score, scotch, serrate, shell pink, shocking pink, skewer, slash, spear, spike, spit, stab, stick, subversive, summit, syndicalist, tap, tea rose, tooth, top, transfix, transpierce, trepan, trephine, ultimate, ultra, ultraconservative, ultraist, ultraistic, up, yippie, youthful




N perfection, perfectness, indefectibility, impeccancy, impeccability, pink, beau ideal, phenix, paragon, pink of perfection, acme of perfection, ne plus ultra, summit, cygne noir, philosopher's stone, chrysolite, Koh-i-noor, model, standard, pattern, mirror, admirable Crichton, trump, very prince of, masterpiece, superexcellence, transcendence, perfect, faultless, indefective, indeficient, indefectible, immaculate, spotless, impeccable, free from imperfection, unblemished, uninjured, sound, sound as a roach, in perfect condition, scathless, intact, harmless, seaworthy, right as a trivet, in seipso totus teres atque rotundus, consummate, finished, best, model, standard, inimitable, unparagoned, unparalleled, superhuman, divine, beyond all praise, sans peur et sans reproche, to perfection, perfectly, ad unguem, clean, clean as a whistle, let us go on unto perfection, the perfection of art is to conceal art.


N repute, distinction, mark, name, figure, repute, reputation, good repute, high repute, note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation, vogue, celebrity, fame, famousness, renown, popularity, aura popularis, approbation, credit, succes d'estime, prestige, talk of the town, name to conjure with, glory, honor, luster, illustriousness, account, regard, respect, reputableness, respectability, good name, good report, fair name, dignity, stateliness, solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity, rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status, position, position in society, order, degree, baccalaureate, locus standi, caste, condition, greatness, eminence, height, importance, preeminence, supereminence, high mightiness, primacy, top of the ladder, top of the tree, elevation, ascent, superaltation, exaltation, dignification, aggrandizement, dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification, hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, rara avis, notability, somebody, classman, man of rank, pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community, chief, first fiddle, cynosure, mirror, flower, pink, pearl, paragon, choice and master spirits of the age, elite, star, sun, constellation, galaxy, ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus, halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors, laurels, memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame, immortality, immortal name, magni nominis umbra, distinguished, distingue, noted, of note, honored, popular, fashionable, in good odor in, favor, in high favor, reputable, respectable, creditable, remarkable, notable, notorious, celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of, famous, famed, far-famed, conspicuous, to the front, foremost, in the front rank, in the ascendant, imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading, aere perennius, time honored, illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant, bright, full-blown, honorific, eminent, prominent, high, in the zenith, at the head of, at the top of the tree, peerless, of the first water, superior, supereminent, preeminent, great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely, imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven- born, heroic, sans peur et sans reproche, sacrosanct, Int, hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, vive!, long life to!, banzai!, glory be to, honor be to?, one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever, sic itur ad astra, fama volat, aut Caesar aut nullus, not to know him argues oneself unknown, none but himself could be his parallel, palmam qui meruit ferat, above all Greek above all Roman fame, cineri gloria sera est, great is the glory for the strife is hard, honor virtutis praemium, immensum gloria calcar habet, the glory dies not and the grief is past, vivit post funera virtus.


VB open, ope, gape, yawn, bilge, fly open, perforate, pierce, empierce, tap, bore, drill, mine, tunnel, transpierce, transfix, enfilade, impale, spike, spear, gore, spit, stab, pink, puncture, lance, stick, prick, riddle, punch, stave in, cut a passage through, make way for, make room for, uncover, unclose, unrip, lay open, cut open, rip open, throw open, pop open, blow open, pry open, tear open, pull open.


VB flash on the mind, say what comes uppermost, improvise, extemporize, give an impetus, impel, push, start, give a start to, set going, drive, urge, boom, thrust, prod, foin, cant, elbow, shoulder, jostle, justle, hustle, hurtle, shove, jog, jolt, encounter, run against, bump against, butt against, knock one's head against, run one's head against, impinge, boost, bunt, carom, clip y, fan, fan out, jab, plug, strike, knock, hit, tap, rap, slap, flap, dab, pat, thump, beat, blow, bang, slam, dash, punch, thwack, whack, hit hard, strike hard, swap, batter, dowse, baste, pelt, patter, buffet, belabor, fetch one a blow, poke at, pink, lunge, yerk, kick, calcitrate, butt, strike at, whip, come into a collision, enter into collision, collide, sideswipe, foul, fall foul of, run foul of, telescope, throw.


N redness, red, scarlet, vermilion, carmine, crimson, pink, lake, maroon, carnation, couleur de rose, rose du Barry, magenta, damask, purple, flesh color, flesh tint, color, fresh color, high color, warmth, gules, ruby, carbuncle, rose, rust, iron mold, cinnabar, cochineal, fuchsine, ruddle, madder, Indian red, light red, Venetian red, red ink, annotto, annatto, realgar, minium, red lead, redness, rubescence, rubicundity, rubification, erubescence, blush, red, reddish, rufous, ruddy, florid, incarnadine, sanguine, rosy, roseate, blowzy, blowed, burnt, rubicund, rubiform, lurid, stammell blood red, russet buff, murrey, carroty, sorrel, lateritious, rubineous, rubricate, rubricose, rufulous, rose-colored, ruby-colored, cherry-colored, claret-colored, flame- colored, flesh-colored, peach-colored, salmon-colored, brick-colored, brick-colored, dust-colored, blushing, erubescent, reddened, red as fire, red as blood, red as scarlet, red as a turkey cock, red as a lobster, warm, hot, foxy.

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