Also see definition of "one" in Bible Study Dictionaries
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: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
: O O. Oa Ob Oc Od Oe Of Og Oh Oi Oj Ok Ol Om On Oo Op Oq Or Os Ot Ou Ov Ow Ox Oy Oz
onde | ondogram | ondograph | ondometer | ondoyant | one | one after another | one and all | one and only | one at a time | one by one



Definite Article, Noun, Pronoun
3487 in 2965 verses (in OT : 2245 in 1940 verses) (in NT : 1242 in 1025 verses)


onea. [OE. one, on, an, AS. ; akin to D. een, OS. , OFries. , , G. ein, Dan. een, Sw. en, Icel. einn, Goth. ains, W. un, Ir. & Gael. aon, L. unus, earlier oinos, oenos, Gr. o'i`nh the ace on dice; cf. Skr. . The same word as the indefinite article a, an. A, 1st An, Alone, Anon, Any, None, Nonce, Only, Onion, Unit.].
  •  Being a single unit, or entire being or thing, and no more; not multifold; single; individual.  [1913 Webster]
    "The dream of Pharaoh is one."  [1913 Webster]
    "O that we now had here
    But one ten thousand of those men in England.
    "  [1913 Webster]
  •  Denoting a person or thing conceived or spoken of indefinitely; a certain. “I am the sister of one Claudio” [Shak.], that is, of a certain man named Claudio.  [1913 Webster]
  •  Pointing out a contrast, or denoting a particular thing or person different from some other specified; -- used as a correlative adjective, with or without the.  [1913 Webster]
    "From the one side of heaven unto the other."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Closely bound together; undivided; united; constituting a whole.  [1913 Webster]
    "The church is therefore one, though the members may be many."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Single in kind; the same; a common.  [1913 Webster]
    "One plague was on you all, and on your lords."  [1913 Webster]
  •  Single; unmarried.  [1913 Webster]
    " One is often used in forming compound words, the meaning of which is obvious; as, one-armed, one-celled, one-eyed, one-handed, one-hearted, one-horned, one-idead, one-leaved, one-masted, one-ribbed, one-story, one-syllable, one-stringed, one-winged, etc."  [1913 Webster]
    "Men may counsel a woman to be one."  [1913 Webster]
    "One day when Phoebe fair,
    With all her band, was following the chase.
    "  [1913 Webster]
    "Well, I will marry one day."  [1913 Webster]
  •  A single unit; as, one is the base of all numbers.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A symbol representing a unit, as 1, or i.  [1913 Webster]
  •  A single person or thing.  Shak.  [1913 Webster]
    "He will hate the one, and love the other."  [1913 Webster]
    "That we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory."  [1913 Webster]
After one, after one fashion; alike. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- At one, in agreement or concord. See At one, in the Vocab. -- Ever in one, continually; perpetually; always. [Obs.] Chaucer. -- In one, in union; in a single whole. -- One and one, One by one, singly; one at a time; one after another. “Raising one by one the suppliant crew.” Dryden. -- one on one contesting an opponent individually; -- in a contest. -- go one on one, to contest one opponent by oneself; -- in a game, esp. basketball.
oneindef. pron. 
     Any person, indefinitely; a person or body; as, what one would have well done, one should do one's self.  [1913 Webster]
    "It was well worth one's while."  [1913 Webster]
    "Against this sort of condemnation one must steel one's self as one best can."  [1913 Webster]
    "When any one heareth the word."  [1913 Webster]
    "She knew every one who was any one in the land of Bohemia."  [1913 Webster]
    "The Peloponnesians and the Athenians fought against one another."  [1913 Webster]
    "The gentry received one another."  [1913 Webster]
onev. t. 
     To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite; to assimilite.  [1913 Webster]
    "The rich folk that embraced and oned all their heart to treasure of the world."  [1913 Webster]


one, adj., n., & pron.
1 single and integral in number.
2 (with a noun implied) a single person or thing of the kind expressed or implied (one of the best; a nasty one).
3 a particular but undefined, esp. as contrasted with another (that is one view; one thing after another). b colloq. (as an emphatic) a noteworthy example of (that is one difficult question).
4 only such (the one man who can do it).
5 forming a unity (one and undivided).
6 identical; the same (of one opinion).
1 a the lowest cardinal number. b a thing numbered with it.
2 unity; a unit (one is half of two; came in ones and twos).
3 a single thing or person or example (often referring to a noun previously expressed or implied: the big dog and the small one).
4 colloq. an alcoholic drink (have a quick one; have one on me).
5 a story or joke (the one about the frog).
1 a person of a specified kind (loved ones; like one possessed).
2 any person, as representing people in general (one is bound to lose in the end).
3 I, me (one would like to help).

all one (often foll. by to) a matter of indifference. at one in agreement. for one being one, even if the only one (I for one do not believe it). for one thing as a single consideration, ignoring others. one another each the other or others (as a formula of reciprocity: love one another). one-armed bandit colloq. a fruit machine worked by a long handle at the side. one by one singly, successively. one day
1 on an unspecified day.
2 at some unspecified future date.
1 using a single horse.
2 colloq. small, poorly equipped. one-liner colloq. a single brief sentence, often witty or apposite. one-man involving, done, or operated by only one man.
one-night stand
1 a single performance of a play etc. in a place.
2 colloq. a sexual liaison lasting only one night. one-off colloq. made or done as the only one; not repeated. one or two see OR(1). one-piece (of a bathing-suit etc.) made as a single garment.
1 favouring one side in a dispute; unfair, partial.
2 having or occurring on one side only.
3 larger or more developed on one side. one-sidedly in a one-sided manner. one-sidedness the act or state of being one-sided. one-time former. one-to-one with one member of one group corresponding to one of another. one-track mind a mind preoccupied with one subject.
one-two colloq.
1 Boxing the delivery of two punches in quick succession.
2 Football etc. a series of reciprocal passes between two advancing players. one-up colloq. having a particular advantage. one-upmanship colloq. the art of maintaining a psychological advantage. one-way allowing movement or travel in one direction only.
Often regarded as an affectation.
OE an f. Gmc



Adamite, I, a, a certain, ace, aggregate, alike, all, all one, all the same, all-embracing, all-inclusive, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-wise, almighty, amalgamated, an, any, any one, assimilated, associate, atom, atomic, being, blended, body, boundless, cat, certain, changeless, chap, character, coadunate, coalesce, combinative, combinatory, combined, comprehensive, conjoint, conjugate, conjunctive, connect, connective, consolidated, consubstantial, coupled, creating, creative, creature, customer, duck, duplicate, earthling, eclectic, either, entire, eternal, eternally the same, everlasting, exactly alike, exclusive, exhaustive, fellow, fused, glorious, good, gross, groundling, guy, hallowed, hand, head, highest, holistic, holy, homo, homoousian, human, human being, identic, identical, immortal, immutable, inclusive, incorporated, indistinguishable, individual, indivisible, infinite, integral, integrated, irreducible, joined, joint, joker, just, just alike, life, like, limitless, link, living soul, lone, loving, luminous, majestic, making, man, married, matched, mated, measured, merciful, merged, mixed, monad, monadic, monistic, mortal, no other, none else, nose, nothing else, nought beside, numinous, omnibus, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, one and indivisible, one and only, only, paired, particular, partnered, party, permanent, perpetual, person, personage, personality, quantified, quantitative, quantitive, quantized, radiant, relate, sacred, same, selfsame, separate, shaping, simple, single, singular, sole, solid, solitary, some, somebody, someone, soul, sovereign, supreme, syncretistic, syncretized, synthesized, tellurian, terran, timeless, total, twin, ubiquitous, unanalyzable, unbounded, unchanging, undefined, undifferent, undivided, uniform, unique, unit, unitary, unite, united, universal, unlimited, wed, wedded, whole, without difference, without distinction, worldling




N identity, sameness, coincidence, coalescence, convertibility, equality, selfness, self, oneself, identification, monotony, tautology, facsimile, homoousia: alter ego, ipsissima verba, same, self, very, one and the same, very thing, actual thing, real McCoy, no other, one and only, in the flesh, identical, self, ilk, the same, selfsame, one and the same, homoousian, coincide, coalescent, coalescing, indistinguishable, one, equivalent, tweedle dee and tweedle dum, much the same, of a muchness, unaltered, identically, on all fours.


N whole, totality, integrity, totalness, entirety, ensemble, collectiveness, unity, completeness, indivisibility, indiscerptibility, integration, embodiment, integer, all, the whole, total, aggregate, one and all, gross amount, sum, sum total, tout ensemble, length and breadth of, Alpha and Omega, be all and end all, complex, complexus, lock stock and barrel, bulk, mass, lump, tissue, staple, body, compages, trunk, torso, bole, hull, hulk, skeleton greater part, major part, best part, principal part, main part, essential part, lion's share, Benjamin's mess, the long and the short, nearly, all, almost all, whole, total, integral, entire, complete, one, individual, unbroken, intact, uncut, undivided, unsevered, unclipped, uncropped, unshorn, seamless, undiminished, undemolished, undissolved, undestroyed, unbruised, indivisible, indissoluble, indissolvable, indiscerptible, wholesale, sweeping, comprehensive, wholly, altogether, totally, entirely, all, all in all, as a whole, wholesale, in a body, collectively, all put together, in the aggregate, in the lump, in the mass, in the gross, in the main, in the long run, en masse, as a body, on the whole, bodily, en bloc, in extenso, throughout, every inch, substantially, tout bien ou rien.


N unity, oneness, individuality, solitude, isolation, unification, one, unit, ace, individual, none else, no other, one, sole, single, solitary, unitary, individual, apart, alone, kithless, unaccompanied, unattended, solus, single-handed, singular, odd, unique, unrepeated, azygous, first and last, isolated, insular, monospermous, unific, uniflorous, unifoliate, unigenital, uniliteral, unijocular, unimodal, unimodular, lone, lonely, lonesome, desolate, dreary, insecable, inseverable, indiscerptible, compact, indivisible, atomic, irresolvable, singly, alone, by itself, per se, only, apart, in the singular number, in the abstract, one by one, one at a time, simply, one and a half, sesqui-, natura il fece, e poi roppe la stampa, du fort au faible, two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one, unity, oneness, individuality, solitude, isolation, unification, one, unit, ace, individual, none else, no other, one, sole, single, solitary, unitary, individual, apart, alone, kithless, unaccompanied, unattended, solus, single-handed, singular, odd, unique, unrepeated, azygous, first and last, isolated, insular, monospermous, unific, uniflorous, unifoliate, unigenital, uniliteral, unijocular, unimodal, unimodular, lone, lonely, lonesome, desolate, dreary, insecable, inseverable, indiscerptible, compact, indivisible, atomic, irresolvable, singly, alone, by itself, per se, only, apart, in the singular number, in the abstract, one by one, one at a time, simply, one and a half, sesqui-, natura il fece, e poi roppe la stampa, du fort au faible, two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.


N marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, vinculum matrimonii, nuptial tie, married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation, match, betrothment, wedding, nuptials, Hymen, bridal, espousals, spousals, leading to the altar, nuptial benediction, epithalamium, sealing, torch of Hymen, temple of Hymen, hymeneal altar, honeymoon, bridesmaid, bridesman, best man, bride, bridegroom, married man, married woman, married couple, neogamist, Benedict, partner, spouse, mate, yokemate, husband, man, consort, baron, old man, good man, wife of one's bosom, helpmate, rib, better half, gray mare, old woman, old lady, good wife, goodwife, feme, feme coverte, squaw, lady, matron, matronage, matronhood, man and wife, wedded pair, Darby and Joan, spiritual wife, monogamy, bigamy, digamy, deuterogamy, trigamy, polygamy, mormonism, levirate, spiritual wifery, spiritual wifeism, polyandrism, Turk, bluebeard, unlawful marriage, left-handed marriage, morganatic marriage, ill- assorted marriage, mesalliance, mariage de convenance, marriage broker, matrimonial agency, matrimonial agent, matrimonial bureau, matchmaker, schatchen, married, one, one bone and one flesh, marriageable, nubile, engaged, betrothed, affianced, matrimonial, marital, conjugal, connubial, wedded, nuptial, hymeneal, spousal, bridal, the gray mare the better horse, a world-without-end bargain, marriages are made in Heaven, render me worthy of this noble wife, si qua voles apte nubere nube pari.


N man, mankind, human race, human species, human kind, human nature, humanity, mortality, flesh, generation, anthropology, anthropogeny, anthropography, anthroposophy, ethnology, ethnography, humanitarian, human being, person, personage, individual, creature, fellow creature, mortal, body, somebody, one, such a one, some one, soul, living soul, earthling, party, head, hand, dramatis personae, quidam, people, persons, folk, public, society, world, community, community at large, general public, nation, nationality, state, realm, commonweal, commonwealth, republic, body politic, million, population, tribe, clan (paternity), family (consanguinity), cosmopolite, lords of the creation, ourselves, human, mortal, personal, individual, national, civic, public, social, cosmopolitan, anthropoid, am I not a man and a brother?.

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