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HEBREW: 7071 hnq Qanah
NAVE: Kanah
EBD: Kanah
Kadesh, Kadeshbarnea | Kadmiel | Kadmonites | Kallai | Kamon | Kanah | Kanish | Kanneh | Kaph | Kareah | Kariathiarius


In Bible versions:

a brook that flows WSW from Mt. Gerizim to the Mediterranean Sea 7 km north of Joppa
a town in Asher 10 km SE of Tyre

of reeds
Google Maps: Kanah (1) (32° 8´, 35° 2´); Kanah (2) (32° 44´, 35° 20´)


Strongs #07071: hnq Qanah

Kanah = "reed"

1) a stream flowing into the Mediterranean Sea that marked the
boundary between Ephraim on the south and Manasseh on the north
2) a town marking the boundary of Asher

7071 Qanah kaw-naw'

feminine of 7070; reediness; Kanah, the name of a stream and
of a place in Palestine:-Kanah.
see HEBREW for 07070

Kanah [EBD]

reedy; brook of reeds. (1.) A stream forming the boundary between Ephraim and Manasseh, from the Mediterranean eastward to Tappuah (Josh. 16:8). It has been identified with the sedgy streams that constitute the Wady Talaik, which enters the sea between Joppa and Caesarea. Others identify it with the river' Aujeh.

(2.) A town in the north of Asher (Josh. 19:28). It has been identified with 'Ain-Kana, a village on the brow of a valley some 7 miles south-east of Tyre. About a mile north of this place are many colossal ruins strown about. And in the side of a neighbouring ravine are figures of men, women, and children cut in the face of the rock. These are supposed to be of Phoenician origin.

Kanah [NAVE]

1. A brook dividing Ephraim from Manasseh, Josh. 16:8; 17:9.
2. A town in Asher, Josh. 19:28.


(a place of reeds).
  1. One of the places which formed the landmarks of the boundary of Asher; apparently next to Zidon-rabbah, or "great Zidon." (Joshua 19:28)
  2. The river, a stream falling into the Mediterranean, which formed the division between the territories of Ephraim and Manasseh, the former on the sought, the latter on the north. (Joshua 16:8; 17:9)


KANAH - ka'-na (qanah, "reeds"):

(1) The name of a "brook," i.e. wady, or "torrent bed," which formed part of the boundary between Ephraim and Manasseh (Josh 16:8; 17:9). The border of Ephraim went out westward from Tappuah to the brook Kanah, ending at the sea; the border of Manasseh from Tappuah, which belonged to Ephraim, "went down unto the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook." There seems no good reason to doubt the identification of "the brook Kanah" with the modern Wady Kanah. The transition from the heavy "q" to the lighter "k" is easy, so the phonetic difficulty is not serious. The stream rises in the Southwest of Shechem, flows through Wady Ishkar, and, joining the `Aujeh, reaches the sea not far to the North of Jaffa. Guerin, influenced, apparently, by the masses of reeds of various kinds which fill the river, argues in favor of Nahr el-Fallq, to the North of Arsuf. He identifies it with Nahr el-Kasab, "river of reeds," mentioned by Beha ed-Din, the Moslem historian. But this last must be identified with Nahr el-Mafjir, 13 miles farther North, too far North for "the brook Kanah."

(2) A town on the northern boundary of Asher (Josh 19:28), probably identical with the village of Qana, about 7 miles Southeast of Tyre (SWP, I, 51, 64, Sh I).

W. Ewing

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