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NETBible: Strong -- 07070

qaneh <07070>

hnq qaneh

Origin:from 07069
Reference:TWOT - 2040a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:hnq 15, hnqb 12, Mynqh 10, hnqw 7, Mynq 6, hnqh 4, ynq 4, Mtnqw 2, hnql 1, hnqm 1
In NET:branches 18, stick 8, reed 5, branch 4, 10½ feet 4, reeds 3, 875 feet 3, cane 2, feet 2, shaft 2, stalk 2, aromatic reeds 1, socket 1, scale 1, calamus 1, bulrushes 1, sweet cane 1
In AV:reed 28, branch 24, calamus 3, cane 2, stalk 2, balance 1, bone 1, spearmen 1
Definition:1) reed, stalk, bone, balances
1a) stalk
1b) water-plant, reed
1c) calamus (aromatic reed)
1d) derived meanings
1d1) measuring-rod
1d2) reed (as unit of measure - 6 cubits)
1d3) beam (of scales - for scales themselves)
1d4) shaft (of lampstand)
1d5) branches (of lampstand)
1d6) shoulder-joint
from 7069; a reed (as erect); by resemblance a rod
(especially for measuring), shaft, tube, stem, the radius (of
the arm), beam (of a steelyard):-balance, bone, branch,
calamus, cane, reed, X spearman, stalk.
see HEBREW for 07069

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