HEBREW: 6215 wse `Esav
NAVE: Esau
EBD: Esau
In Bible versions:
Esau: NET AVS NIV NRSV NASB TEVson of Isaac & Rebekah; Jacob's elder twin brother
a people (and nation) descended from Esau, Jacob's brother
he that acts or finishes

Strongs #2269: Hsau Esau
Esau = "hairy"1) was the eldest son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob
2269 Esau ay-sow'
of Hebrew origin (6215); Esau, an Edomite:-Esau.see HEBREW for 06215
Strongs #06215: wse `Esav
Esau = "hairy"1) eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca and twin brother of Jacob; sold
the birthright for food when he was hungry and the divine blessing
went to Jacob; progenitor of the Arab peoples
6215 `Esav ay-sawv'
apparently a form of the passive participle of 6213 in theoriginal sense of handling; rough (i.e. sensibly felt); Esav,
a son of Isaac, including his posterity:-Esau.
see HEBREW for 06213
Esau [EBD]
hairy, Rebekah's first-born twin son (Gen. 25:25). The name of Edom, "red", was also given to him from his conduct in connection with the red lentil "pottage" for which he sold his birthright (30, 31). The circumstances connected with his birth foreshadowed the enmity which afterwards subsisted between the twin brothers and the nations they founded (25:22, 23, 26). In process of time Jacob, following his natural bent, became a shepherd; while Esau, a "son of the desert," devoted himself to the perilous and toilsome life of a huntsman. On a certain occasion, on returning from the chase, urged by the cravings of hunger, Esau sold his birthright to his brother, Jacob, who thereby obtained the covenant blessing (Gen. 27:28, 29, 36; Heb. 12:16, 17). He afterwards tried to regain what he had so recklessly parted with, but was defeated in his attempts through the stealth of his brother (Gen. 27:4, 34, 38).
At the age of forty years, to the great grief of his parents, he married (Gen. 26:34, 35) two Canaanitish maidens, Judith, the daughter of Beeri, and Bashemath, the daughter of Elon. When Jacob was sent away to Padan-aram, Esau tried to conciliate his parents (Gen. 28:8, 9) by marrying his cousin Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael. This led him to cast in his lot with the Ishmaelite tribes; and driving the Horites out of Mount Seir, he settled in that region. After some thirty years' sojourn in Padan-aram Jacob returned to Canaan, and was reconciled to Esau, who went forth to meet him (33:4). Twenty years after this, Isaac their father died, when the two brothers met, probably for the last time, beside his grave (35:29). Esau now permanently left Canaan, and established himself as a powerful and wealthy chief in the land of Edom (q.v.).
Long after this, when the descendants of Jacob came out of Egypt, the Edomites remembered the old quarrel between the brothers, and with fierce hatred they warred against Israel.
Esau [NAVE]
ESAUEldest of twin sons born to Isaac and Rebekah. Birth of, Gen. 25:19-26; 1 Chr. 1:34.
Called Edom, Gen. 36:1, 8.
A hunter, Gen. 25:27, 28.
Beloved by Isaac, Gen. 25:27, 28.
Sells his birthright for some stew, Gen. 25:29-34; Mal. 1:2; Rom. 9:13; Heb. 12:16.
Marries a Hittite, Gen. 26:34.
His marriage to, a grief to Isaac and Rebekah, Gen. 26:35.
Polygamy of, Gen. 26:34; 28:9; 36:2, 3.
Is defrauded of his father's blessing by Jacob, Gen. 27; Heb. 11:20.
Meets Jacob on the return of the latter from Haran, Gen. 33:1.
With Jacob, buries his father, Gen. 35:29.
Descendants of, Gen. 36; 1 Chr. 1:35-57.
Enmity of descendants of, toward descendants of Jacob, Obad. 10-14.
Ancestor of Edomites, Jer. 49:8.
Mount of Edom, called Mount of Esau, Obad. 8, 9, 18, 19, 21.
His name used to denote his descendants and their country, Deut. 2:5; Jer. 49:8, 10; Obad. 6.
Prophecies concerning, Obad. 18.
(hairy), the eldest son of Isaac, and twin-brother of Jacob. The singular appearance of the child at his birth originated the name. (Genesis 25:25) Esau?s robust frame and "rough" aspect were the types of a wild and daring nature. He was a thorough Bedouin, a "son of the desert." He was much loved by his father, and was of course his heir, but was induced to sell his birthright to Jacob. Mention of his unhappy marriages may be found in (Genesis 26:34) The next episode in the life of Esau is the loss of his father?s covenant blessing, which Jacob secured through the craft of his mother, and the anger of Esau, who vows vengeance. (Genesis 27:1) ... Later he marries a daughter of Ishmael, (Genesis 28:8,9) and soon after establishes himself in Mount Seir, where he was living when Jacob returned from Padan-aram rich and powerful, and the two brothers were reconciled. (Genesis 33:4) Twenty years thereafter they united in burying Isaac?s body in the cave of Machpelah. Of Esau?s subsequent history nothing is known; for that of his descendants see EDOM, IDUMAEA OR IDUMEA.ESAU [ISBE]
ESAU - e'-so (`esaw, "hairy"; Esau): Son of Isaac, twin brother of Jacob. The name was given on account of the hairy covering on his body at birth: "all over like a hairy garment" (Gen 25:25). There was a prenatal foreshadowing of the relation his descendants were to sustain to those of his younger brother, Jacob (Gen 25:23). The moment of his birth also was signalized by a circumstance that betokened the same destiny (Gen 25:26).The young Esau was fond of the strenuous, daring life of the chase--he became a skillful hunter, "a man of the field" ('ish sadheh). His father warmed toward him rather than toward Jacob, because Esau's hunting expeditions resulted in meats that appealed to the old man's taste (Gen 25:28). Returning hungry from one of these expeditions, however, Esau exhibited a characteristic that marked him for the inferior position which had been foretokened at the time of his birth. Enticed by the pottage which Jacob had boiled, he could not deny himself, but must, at once, gratify his appetite, though the calm and calculating Jacob should demand the birthright of the firstborn as the price (Gen 25:30-34). Impulsively he snatched an immediate and sensual gratification at the forfeit of a future glory. Thus he lost the headship of the people through whom God's redemptive purpose was to be wrought out in the world, no less than the mere secular advantage of the firstborn son's chief share in the father's temporal possessions. Though Esau had so recklessly disposed of his birthright, he afterward would have secured from Isaac the blessing that appertained, had not the cunning of Rebekah provided for Jacob. Jacob, to be sure, had some misgiving about the plan of his mother (Gen 27:12), but she reassured him; the deception was successful and he secured the blessing. Now, too late, Esau bitterly realized somewhat, at least, of his loss, though he blamed Jacob altogether, and himself not at all (Gen 27:34,36). Hating his brother on account of the grievance thus held against him, he determined upon fratricide as soon as his father should pass away (Gen 27:41); but the watchful Rebekah sent Jacob to Haran, there to abide with her kindred till Esau's wrath should subside (Gen 27:42-45).
Esau, at the age of forty, had taken two Hittite wives, and had thus displeased his parents. Rebekah had shrewdly used this fact to induce Isaac to fall in with her plan to send Jacob to Mesopotamia; and Esau, seeing this, seems to have thought he might please both Isaac and Rebekah by a marriage of a sort different from those already contracted with Canaanitish women. Accordingly, he married a kinswoman in the person of a daughter of Ishmael (Gen 28:6,9). Connected thus with the "land of Seir," and by the fitness of that land for one who was to live by the sword, Esau was dwelling there when Jacob returned from Mesopotamia. While Jacob dreaded meeting him, and took great pains to propitiate him, and made careful preparations against a possible hostile meeting, very earnestly seeking Divine help, Esau, at the head of four hundred men, graciously received the brother against whom his anger had so hotly burned. Though Esau had thus cordially received Jacob, the latter was still doubtful about him, and, by a sort of duplicity, managed to become separated from him, Esau returning to Seir (Gen 33:12-17). Esau met his brother again at the death of their father, about twenty years later (Gen 35:29). Of the after years of his life we know nothing.
Esau was also called Edom ("red"), because he said to Jacob: "Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage" (Gen 25:30). The land in which he established himself was "the land of Seir," so called from Seir, ancestor of the Horites whom Esau found there; and called also Edom from Esau's surname, and, it may be, too, from the red sandstone of the country (Sayce).
"Esau" is sometimes found in the sense of the descendants of Esau, and of the land in which they dwelt (Dt 2:5; Ob 1:6,8,18,19).
E. J. Forrester
Also see definition of "Esau" in Word Study