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NETBible: Strong -- 8668

t@shuw`ah <08668>

hewvt t@shuw`ah or hevt t@shu`ah

Pronunciation:tesh-oo-aw' tesh-oo-aw'
Origin:from 07768 in the sense of 03467
Reference:TWOT - 929e
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hewst 13, tewst 4, Ktewst 3, hewsth 2, ytewst 2, hewstw 2, hewstl 2, tewstw 1, Ktewstl 1, Ktewstw 1, ytewstw 1, hesth 1, tewstl 1
In NET:victory 11, deliverance 7, delivers 3, deliver 2, salvation 2, help 2, deliverer 1, rescue 1, victories 1, success 1, save 1
In AV:salvation 17, deliverance 5, help 5, safety 4, victory 3
Definition:1) salvation, deliverance
1a) deliverance (usually by God through human agency)
1b) salvation (spiritual in sense)
or tshuah {tesh-oo-aw'}; from 7768 in the sense of 3467;
rescue (literal or figurative, pers., national or spir.):-
deliverance, help, safety, salvation, victory.
see HEBREW for 07768
see HEBREW for 03467

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