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NETBible: Strong -- 844

automatos <844>

automatov automatos

Origin:from 846 and the same as 3155
In Greek:automath 2
In NET:By itself 1, by itself 1
In AV:of (one's) self 1, of (one's) own accord 1
Definition:1) moved by one's own impulse, or acting without the instigation
or intervention of another
2) often used of the earth producing plants of itself, and of the
plants themselves and the fruits growing without culture
from 846 and the same as 3155; self-moved ("automatic"), i.e.
spontaneous:-of own accord, of self.
see GREEK for 846
see GREEK for 3155

Also search for "automatos" and display in [NET] and Parallel Bibles.

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