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NETBible: Strong -- 5384

philos <5384>

filov philos

Origin:a primitive word
Reference:TDNT - 9:146,1262
In Greek:filav 1, file 2, filoi 4, filoiv 1, filon 2, filouv 8, filov 8, filwn 3
In NET:friends 16, friend 6, a friend 4, Friend 2, here 1
In AV:friend 29
Definition:1) friend, to be friendly to one, wish him well
1a) a friend
1b) an associate
1c) he who associates familiarly with one, a companion
1d) one of the bridegroom's friends who on his behalf asked the
hand of the bride and rendered him various services in closing
the marriage and celebrating the nuptials
properly, dear, i.e. a friend; actively, fond, i.e. friendly (still as
a noun, an associate, neighbor, etc.):-friend.

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