huperballo <5235>
uperballw huperballo
Pronunciation: | hoop-er-bal'-lo |
Origin: | from 5228 and 906 |
Reference: | TDNT - 8:520,1230 |
PrtSpch: | v |
In Greek: | uperballon 2, uperballousan 2, uperballoushv 1 |
In NET: | extraordinary 1, is incomparable 1, surpasses 1, surpassing 1, tremendously 1 |
In AV: | exceed 3, excel 1, pass 1 |
Count: | 5 |
Definition: | 1) to surpass in throwing, to throw over or beyond any thing 2) to transcend, surpass, exceed, excel 3) excelling, exceeding from 5228 and 906; to throw beyod the usual mark, i.e. (figuratively) to surpass (only active participle supereminent):-exceeding, excel, pass. see GREEK for 5228 see GREEK for 906 |
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