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NETBible: Strong -- 5130

touton <5130>

touton touton

Origin:genitive case plural masculine or neuter of 3778
In Greek:toutwn 72
In NET:these 22, of these 12, these things 10, this 4, of these things 3, them 2, their 2, these charges 2, some ago 1, Some things 1, such behavior 1, these cases 1, things 1, they 1, these ones 1, these matters 1, what was promised 1
In AV:these 38, these things 21, such 2, these matters 1, such matters 1, those 1, not tr 1, misc 4
Definition:1) of these
genitive case plural masculine or neuter of 3778; of (from or
concerning) these (persons or things):-such, their, these (things),
they, this sort, those.
see GREEK for 3778

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