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NETBible: Strong -- 5055

teleo <5055>

telew teleo

Origin:from 5056
Reference:TDNT - 8:57,1161
In Greek:etelesan 2, etelesen 4, etelesyh 1, telei 1, teleitai 1, teleite 2, teleshte 2, teleswsin 1, telesyh 4, telesyhnai 1, telesyhsetai 1, telesyhsontai 1, telesywsin 1, telousa 1, teteleka 1, tetelestai 2
In NET:were finished 2, finished 2, had finished 2, is completed 1, is finished 1, had performed 1, be fulfilled 1, I have finished 1, It is completed 1, are finished 1, are fulfilled 1, is made perfect 1, pays 1, will be accomplished 1, you fulfill 1, you pay 1, you will carry out 1, who keeps 1, were completed 1, they had accomplished 1, they have completed 1, was completed 1, you will finish 1
In AV:finish 8, fulfil 7, accomplish 4, pay 2, perform 1, expire 1, misc 3
Definition:1) to bring to a close, to finish, to end
1a) passed, finished
2) to perform, execute, complete, fulfil, (so that the thing done
corresponds to what has been said, the order, command etc.)
2a) with special reference to the subject matter, to carry out
the contents of a command
2b) with reference also to the form, to do just as commanded, and
generally involving the notion of time, to perform the last act
which completes a process, to accomplish, fulfil
3) to pay
3a) of tribute
"It is finished or paid" Joh 19:30

Christ satisfied God's justice by dying for all to pay for the sins
of the elect. These sins can never be punished again since that would
violate God's justice. Sins can only be punished once, either by a
substitute or by yourself.
from 5056; to end, i.e. complete, execute, conclude, discharge (a
debt):-accomplish, make an end, expire, fill up, finish, go over,
pay, perform.
see GREEK for 5056

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