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NETBible: Strong -- 4892

sunedrion <4892>

sunedrion sunedrion

Origin:from a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of 1476
Reference:TDNT - 7:860,1115
PrtSpch:n n
In Greek:sunedria 2, sunedrion 10, sunedriou 3, sunedriw 7
In NET:council 16, Sanhedrin 4, councils 2
In AV:council 22
Definition:1) any assembly (esp. of magistrates, judges, ambassadors),
whether convened to deliberate or pass judgment
2) any session or assembly or people deliberating or adjudicating
2a) the Sanhedrin, the great council at Jerusalem, consisting of
the seventy one members, viz. scribes, elders, prominent
members of the high priestly families and the high priest, the
president of the assembly. The most important causes were
brought before this tribunal, inasmuch as the Roman rulers of
Judaea had left to it the power of trying such cases, and also
of pronouncing sentence of death, with the limitation that a
capital sentence pronounced by the Sanhedrin was not valid
unless it was confirmed by the Roman procurator.
2b) a smaller tribunal or council which every Jewish town had
for the decision of less important cases.
neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of
1476; a joint session, i.e. (specially), the Jewish Sanhedrin; by
analogy, a subordinate tribunal:-council.
see GREEK for 4862
see GREEK for 1476

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