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NETBible: Strong -- 4369

prostithemi <4369>

prostiyhmi prostithemi

Origin:from 4314 and 5087
Reference:TDNT - 8:167,1176
In Greek:proseteyh 3, proseteyhsan 1, prosetiyei 1, prosetiyento 1, proseyeto 3, proseyhken 1, prosteyhnai 1, prosteyhsetai 3, prosyeinai 2, prosyeiv 1, prosyev 1
In NET:add 2, will be given 2, were added 2, brought 1, added 1, It was added 1, Increase 1, he proceeded 1, no more 1, will be added 1, was buried 1, was adding 1, proceeded 1, he sent still 1
In AV:add 11, again send + 3892 2, give more 1, increase 1, proceed further 1, lay unto 1, speak to any more 1
Definition:1) to put to
2) to add
2a) i.e. to join to, gather with any company, the number of one's
followers or companions
2a1) he was gathered to his fathers i.e. died
from 4314 and 5087; to place additionally, i.e. lay beside, annex,
repeat:-add, again, give more, increase, lay unto, proceed further,
speak to any more.
see GREEK for 4314
see GREEK for 5087

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