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NETBible: Strong -- 4043

peripateo <4043>

peripatew peripateo

Origin:from 4012 and 3961
Reference:TDNT - 5:940,804
In Greek:periepatei 7, periepateiv 1, periepathsamen 1, periepathsate 2, periepathsen 3, periepatoun 1, peripatei 10, peripatein 10, peripateite 9, peripateitw 1, peripateiv 2, peripath 3, peripathsai 2, peripathsh 1, peripathsousin 2, peripathswmen 3, peripathte 2, peripatoumen 1, peripatounta 5, peripatountav 6, peripatountev 5, peripatounti 1, peripatountov 2, peripatousin 6, peripatwmen 3, peripatwn 6
In NET:walk 11, walking 9, live 8, are living 4, walks 3, was walking 2, behaving 2, walking around 2, walked 2, we walk 2, walks around 2, Walk 2, will walk 2, is on the prowl 1, had walked 1, do live 1, he will have to walk around 1, keep on walking 1, living 1, lives 1, lived your lives 1, Conduct 1, do 1, did accompany 1, continue to live 1, began to walk around 1, began walking 1, as walked by 1, may live 1, began walking around 1, Let us live 1, While was walking 1, Did we conduct 1, stayed out 1, who do walk 1, while were 1, went around 1, went 1, you are living 1, you are walking 1, you should walk 1, you may live 1, you lived 1, you live 1, we may do 1, we live 1, you will live life 1, started walking 1, stand up and walk 1, participated 1, they will walk 1, to be behaving 1, walk along 1, traveled throughout 1, to walk 1, to live 1, must he live 1
In AV:walk 93, go 1, walk about 1, be occupied 1
Definition:1) to walk
1a) to make one's way, progress; to make due use of opportunities
1b) Hebrew for, to live
1b1) to regulate one's life
1b2) to conduct one's self
1b3) to pass one's life
from 4012 and 3961; to tread all around, i.e. walk at large
(especially as proof of ability); figuratively, to live, deport
oneself, follow (as a companion or votary):-go, be occupied with,
walk (about).
see GREEK for 4012
see GREEK for 3961

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