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NETBible: Strong -- 3992

pempo <3992>

pempw pempo

Origin:apparently a root word
Reference:TDNT - 1:398,67
In Greek:epemfyh 1, epemqa 9, epemqamen 1, epemqate 1, epemqen 3, pemfyentev 1, pempei 1, pempein 1, pempomenoiv 1, pemponta 1, pempw 1, pemqai 8, pemqanta 7, pemqantev 1, pemqanti 1, pemqantov 9, pemqasin 1, pemqav 15, pemqei 1, pemqhv 1, pemqon 7, pemqousin 1, pemqw 6
In NET:sent 34, to send 9, send 6, I sent 4, I will send 3, I send 2, will send 2, I have sent 2, Use 2, sent a message 2, Send 1, By sending 1, I am sending 1, have sent 1, sending 1, sends 1, was sent 1, occasion you sent 1, he sent 1, commissions 1, had been sent 1, We sent 1
In AV:send 77, thrust in 2, again send 2
Definition:1) to send
1a) to bid a thing to be carried to one
1b) to send (thrust or insert) a thing into another

Synonym : See Definition 5813
apparently a primary verb; to dispatch (from the subjective view or
point of departure, whereas hiemi (as a stronger form of eimi) refers
rather to the objective point or terminus ad quem, and 4724 denotes
properly, the orderly motion involved), especially on a temporary
errand; also to transmit, bestow, or wield:-send, thrust in.
see GREEK for 4724

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