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NETBible: Strong -- 3955

parrhesiazomai <3955>

parrhsiazomai parrhesiazomai

Origin:middle voice from 3954
Reference:TDNT - 5:871,794
In Greek:eparrhsiasameya 1, eparrhsiasato 1, eparrhsiazeto 1, parrhsiasamenoi 1, parrhsiaswmai 1, parrhsiazesyai 1, parrhsiazomenoi 1, parrhsiazomenov 2
In NET:freely 1, courageously 1, I may be able to speak boldly 1, he had spoken out boldly 1, speaking out boldly 1, to speak out fearlessly 1, spoke out fearlessly 1, speaking out courageously 1, we had the courage 1
In AV:speak boldly 4, preach boldly 1, be bold 1, wax bold 1, boldly 1, freely 1
Definition:1) to use freedom in speaking, be free spoken
1a) to speak freely
2) to grow confident, have boldness, show assurance, assume a bold
middle voice from 3954; to be frank in utterance, or confident in
spirit and demeanor:-be (wax) bold, (preach, speak) boldly.
see GREEK for 3954

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