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NETBible: Strong -- 3925

parembole <3925>

parembolh parembole

Origin:from a compound of 3844 and 1685
PrtSpch:n f
In Greek:parembolav 1, parembolhn 7, parembolhv 2
In NET:barracks 6, camp 3, armies 1
In AV:castle 6, camp 3, army 1
Definition:1) an encampment
1a) the camp of Israel in the desert
1a1) used for the city of Jerusalem, inasmuch as that was to
the Israelites what formerly the encampment had been in
the desert
1a2) of the sacred congregation or assembly of Israel, as it
had been gathered formerly in camps in the wilderness
1b) the barracks of the Roman soldiers, which at Jerusalem
were in the castle of Antonia
2) an army in a line of battle
from a compound of 3844 and 1685; a throwing in beside
(juxtaposition), i.e. (specially), battle-array, encampment or
barracks (tower Antonia):-army, camp, castle.
see GREEK for 3844
see GREEK for 1685

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