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NETBible: Strong -- 3846

paraballo <3846>

paraballw paraballo

Origin:from 3844 and 906
In Greek:parebalomen 1
In NET:we approached 1
In AV:compare 1, arrive 1
Definition:1) to throw before, cast to (as fodder for horses)
2) to put one thing by the side of another for the sake of comparison,
to compare, liken
3) to put one's self, betake one's self into a place or to a person
from 3844 and 906; to throw alongside, i.e. (reflexively) to reach a
place, or (figuratively) to liken:-arrive, compare.
see GREEK for 3844
see GREEK for 906

Also search for "paraballo" and display in [NET] and Parallel Bibles.

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