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NETBible: Strong -- 3788

ophthalmos <3788>

oftalmov ophthalmos

Origin:from 3700
Reference:TDNT - 5:375,706
PrtSpch:n m
In Greek:ofyalmoi 15, ofyalmoiv 7, ofyalmon 1, ofyalmou 6, ofyalmouv 37, ofyalmov 15, ofyalmw 8, ofyalmwn 11
In NET:eyes 50, eye 20, see 5, looked up 3, caused to see 2, to see 2, an eye 2, of eyes 2, envy 1, envious 1, An eye 1, look up 1, looked upward 1, of an eye 1, were made to see 1, looked 1, own 1, sight 1
In AV:eye 101, sight 1
Definition:1) the eye
2) metaph. the eyes of the mind, the faculty of knowing
from 3700; the eye (literally or figuratively); by implication,
vision; figuratively, envy (from the jealous side-glance):-eye,
see GREEK for 3700

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