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NETBible: Strong -- 37

hagiazo <37>

agiazw hagiazo

Origin:from 40
Reference:TDNT - 1:111,14
In Greek:agiasai 1, agiasate 1, agiasav 1, agiash 2, agiason 1, agiasyhtw 3, agiazei 1, agiazetai 1, agiazomenoi 1, agiazomenouv 1, agiazon 1, agiazw 1, agiazwn 1, hgiasen 1, hgiasmenh 1, hgiasmenoi 2, hgiasmenoiv 3, hgiasmenon 1, hgiastai 2, hgiasyh 1, hgiasyhte 1
In NET:set apart 4, made holy 2, are sanctified 2, may be honored 2, makes sacred 2, sanctify 2, being made holy 1, consecrated 1, who makes holy 1, is sanctified 1, are made holy 1, Set apart 1, who are sanctified 1, may be set apart 1, must continue to be holy 1, you were sanctified 1, make holy 1, sanctified 1, it is sanctified 1
In AV:sanctify 26, hallow 2, be holy 1
Definition:1) to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow
2) to separate from profane things and dedicate to God
2a) consecrate things to God
2b) dedicate people to God
3) to purify
3a) to cleanse externally
3b) to purify by expiation: free from the guilt of sin
3c) to purify internally by renewing of the soul
from 40; to make holy, i.e. (ceremonially) purify or consecrate;
(mentally) to venerate:-hallow, be holy, sanctify.
see GREEK for 40

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