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NETBible: Strong -- 3327

metabaino <3327>

metabainw metabaino

Origin:from 3326 and the base of 939
Reference:TDNT - 1:523,90
In Greek:metaba 1, metabainete 1, metabalomenoi 1, metabav 3, metabebhkamen 1, metabebhken 1, metabh 2, metabhsetai 1, metabhyi 1, metebh 1
In NET:left 2, When left 1, Move 1, Do move around 1, changed minds 1, Leave 1, has crossed over 1, leave 1, it will move 1, he went on 1, we have crossed over 1, depart 1
In AV:depart 7, remove 2, pass 2, go 1
Definition:1) to pass over from one place to another, to remove, depart
from 3326 and the base of 939; to change place:-depart, go, pass,
see GREEK for 3326
see GREEK for 939

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