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NETBible: Strong -- 3140

martureo <3140>

marturew martureo

Origin:from 3144
Reference:TDNT - 4:474,564
In Greek:emarturei 1, emartureito 1, emarturhsamen 1, emarturhsan 1, emarturhsen 5, emarturhyh 1, emarturhyhsan 1, emarturoun 1, marturei 8, marturein 1, martureitai 1, martureite 3, martureiv 1, marturhsai 2, marturhsantov 1, marturhsav 1, marturhsei 1, marturhsh 3, marturhson 1, marturhsw 1, marturhyentev 1, marturoumen 4, marturoumenh 2, marturoumenouv 1, marturoumenov 3, marturoun 1, marturountev 1, marturounti 1, marturountov 1, marturountwn 1, marturousai 1, marturoushv 1, marturousin 1, marturw 8, marturwn 4, memarturhka 1, memarturhkav 1, memarturhken 5, memarturhtai 2
In NET:testify 19, testified 9, testifies 5, has testified 4, can testify 2, to testify 2, he has testified 2, I testify 2, I can testify 2, he was commended 1, he had been commended 1, he testifies 1, has a reputation 1, am testifying 1, They have testified 1, He testifies 1, commended 1, confirm 1, he will testify 1, had testified 1, has been testified to 1, spoke well 1, who are well-attested 1, which is attested 1, were speaking well 1, who is affirmed 1, who testified 1, witnesses 1, will testify 1, were continuing to testify 1, were commended 1, you testify 1, received God's commendation 1, testimony 1, we have testified 1, well spoken of 1, well spoken 1, made 1
In AV:bear witness 25, testify 19, bear record 13, witness 5, be a witness 2, give testimony 2, have a good report 2, misc 11
Definition:1) to be a witness, to bear witness, i.e. to affirm that one has
seen or heard or experienced something, or that he knows it
because taught by divine revelation or inspiration
1a) to give (not to keep back) testimony
1b) to utter honourable testimony, give a good report
1c) conjure, implore
from 3144; to be a witness, i.e. testify (literally or
figuratively):-charge, give (evidence), bear record, have (obtain,
of) good (honest) report, be well reported of, testify, give (have)
testimony, (be, bear, give, obtain) witness.
see GREEK for 3144

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