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NETBible: Strong -- 2808

kleio <2808>

kleiw kleio

Origin:a primary verb
In Greek:ekleisen 1, ekleisyh 2, ekleisyhsan 1, kekleismenon 1, kekleismenwn 2, kekleistai 1, kleiete 1, kleisai 2, kleisav 1, kleisei 1, kleish 1, kleisywsin 1, kleiwn 1
In NET:locked 3, shut 1, is shut 1, close 1, You keep locking 1, can shut 1, shuts 1, shuts off 1, were locked 1, were shut 1, was shut up 1, was shut 1, to close up 1, will be closed 1
In AV:shut 12, shut up 4
Definition:1) to shut, shut up
2) metaph.
2a) to cause the heavens to withhold rain
2b) to shut up compassion so that it is like a thing inaccessible
to one, to be devoid of pity towards one
2c) to obstruct the entrance into the kingdom of heaven
a primary verb; to close (literally or figuratively):-shut (up).

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