katara <2671>
katara katara
Pronunciation: | kat-ar'-ah |
Origin: | from 2596 (intensive) and 685 |
Reference: | TDNT - 1:449,75 |
PrtSpch: | n f |
In Greek: | katara 2, kataran 1, katarav 3 |
In NET: | a curse 2, cursed 2, cursing 1, curse 1 |
In AV: | curse 3, cursing 2, cursed 1 |
Count: | 6 |
Definition: | 1) an execration, imprecation, curse from 2596 (intensive) and 685; imprecation, execration:-curse(-d, ing). see GREEK for 2596 see GREEK for 685 |
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