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NETBible: Strong -- 2597

katabaino <2597>

katabainw katabaino

Origin:from 2596 and the base of 939
Reference:TDNT - 1:522,90
In Greek:katabainei 2, katabainein 1, katabainon 7, katabainonta 3, katabainontav 1, katabainontev 1, katabainontov 1, katabainontwn 2, katabainousa 1, katabainousan 3, katabainwn 2, kataban 1, katabantev 2, katabantov 1, katabatw 5, katabav 12, katabebhka 2, katabebhkotev 1, katabh 2, katabhnai 2, katabhsetai 2, katabhsh 2, katabhyi 4, katebainen 2, katebh 13, katebhn 1, katebhsan 5
In NET:descending 12, went down 10, came down 8, come down 7, fell 3, comes down 3, must come down 3, I have come down 3, he went down 2, has come down 2, you will be thrown down 2, goes down 2, descended 2, coming down 2, As were coming down 2, was going down 2, got 1, falling 1, down 1, he comes down 1, who descended 1, who came down 1, who had come down 1, will come down 1, will descend 1, was on way down 1, to go down 1, he came down 1, he descended 1, they went down 1, to come down 1, have come down 1
In AV:come down 41, descend 18, go down 17, fall down 1, step down 1, get down 1, fall 1, vr come down 1
Definition:1) to go down, come down, descend
1a) the place from which one has come down from
1b) to come down
1b1) as from the temple at Jerusalem, from the city of Jerusalem
1b2) of celestial beings coming down to earth
1c) to be cast down
2) of things
2a) to come (i.e. be sent) down
2b) to come (i.e. fall) down
2b1) from the upper regions of the air
3) metaph. to (go i.e.) be cast down to the lowest state of
wretchedness and shame
from 2596 and the base of 939; to descend (literally or
figuratively):-come (get, go, step) down, fall (down).
see GREEK for 2596
see GREEK for 939

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