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NETBible: Strong -- 2548

kakeinos <2548>

kakeinov kakeinos or kai ekeinov

Origin:from 2532 and 1565
In Greek:kakeina 4, kakeinoi 7, kakeinon 3, kakeinouv 1, kakeinov 7
In NET:They 1, This one 1, Then he 1, Priscilla and Aquila 1, And they 1, He too 1, and he 1, and these things 1, that one 1, they 1, one 1, he also 1, as they are 1, even they 1, this one too 1
In AV:and he 4, and they 3, he also 3, and them 2, and the other 2, and him 2, they also 2, him also 1, misc 4
Definition:1) and he, he also
from 2532 and 1565; likewise that (or those):-and him (other, them),
even he, him also, them (also), (and) they.
see GREEK for 2532
see GREEK for 1565

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