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NETBible: Strong -- 2390

iaomai <2390>

iaomai iaomai

Origin:middle voice of apparently a primary verb
Reference:TDNT - 3:194,344
In Greek:iasato 4, iashtai 1, iasomai 3, iasyai 2, iatai 2, iato 2, iayeiv 1, iayh 5, iayhnai 1, iayhsetai 1, iayhte 2, iayhtw 1, iwmenov 1
In NET:healed 4, I would heal 3, heal 2, healing 2, was healed 2, be healed 1, cured 1, heals 1, he was healed 1, she had been healed 1, who had been healed 1, will be healed 1, you may be healed 1, to heal 1, to be healed 1, you were healed 1, she was healed 1, must be healed 1
In AV:heal 26, make whole 2
Definition:1) to cure, heal
2) to make whole
2a) to free from errors and sins, to bring about (one's) salvation
middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to cure (literally or
figuratively):-heal, make whole.

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