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NETBible: Strong -- 2250

hemera <2250>

hmera hemera

Origin:from (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit, akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle
Reference:TDNT - 2:943,309
PrtSpch:n f
In Greek:hmera 106, hmerai 26, hmeraiv 49, hmeran 58, hmerav 126, hmerwn 22, [hmerav] 1
In NET:day 177, days 131, time 21, a day 6, daily 3, daytime 3, Day 3, Day after day 3, this very day 2, them 2, morning 2, afternoon 1, as well 1, appears 1, always 1, a day's 1, During 1, At daybreak 1, On a day 1, Today 1, a little while 1, a forty-day 1, after days 1, daylight 1, reign 1, one 1, some ago 1, some time 1, this day 1, standard wage 1, old 1, of days 1, today 1, daybreak 1, live 1, next morning 1, of day 1, noon 1, day after day 1
In AV:day 355, daily + 2596 15, time 3, not tr 2, misc 14
Definition:1) the day, used of the natural day, or the interval between
sunrise and sunset, as distinguished from and contrasted with
the night
1a) in the daytime
1b) metaph., "the day" is regarded as the time for abstaining from
indulgence, vice, crime, because acts of the sort are
perpetrated at night and in darkness
2) of the civil day, or the space of twenty four hours (thus
including the night)
2a) Eastern usage of this term differs from our western usage. Any
part of a day is counted as a whole day, hence the expression
"three days and three nights" does not mean literally three
whole days, but at least one whole day plus part of two other
3) of the last day of this present age, the day Christ will
return from heaven, raise the dead, hold the final judgment,
and perfect his kingdom
4) used of time in general, i.e. the days of his life.
feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to
the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle; day, i.e. (literally) the
time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several
days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of
both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less
clearly by the context):-age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, (-ly)), +
for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years.
see GREEK for 5610
see GREEK for 1476

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