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NETBible: Strong -- 2068

esthio <2068>

esyiw esthio

Origin:strengthened for a primary edw edo (to eat) used only in certain tenses, the rest being supplied by 5315
In Greek:efagon 1, esyhte 1, esyiei 10, esyiein 6, esyiete 6, esyietw 3, esyih 2, esyihte 1, esyionta 2, esyiontev 4, esyionti 1, esyiontwn 4, esyiousin 8, esyiwn 11, esyiwsin 2, fagein 1, hsyion 4
In NET:eat 10, eating 8, to eat 6, eats 6, ate 5, let him eat 2, do eat 2, abstains 2, While were eating 2, does eat 2, you eat 2, does consume 1, do you eat 1, consume 1, Eat 1, People were eating 1, does he eat 1, continue to eat 1, eat food 1, they do eat 1, they eat 1, who does 1, were eating 1, they ate 1, should he eat 1, who eats 1, you may eat 1, he was eating 1, people were eating 1, while were eating 1
In AV:eat 63, live 1, devour 1
Definition:1) to eat
2) to eat (consume) a thing
2a) to take food, eat a meal
3) metaph. to devour, consume
strengthened for a primary edo (to eat); used only in certain tenses,
the rest being supplied by 5315; to eat (usually literal):-devour,
eat, live.
see GREEK for 5315

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