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NETBible: Strong -- 1937

epithumeo <1937>

epiyumew epithumeo

Origin:from 1909 and 2372
Reference:TDNT - 3:168,339
In Greek:epeyumei 1, epeyumhsa 2, epeyumhsan 2, epiyumei 2, epiyumeite 1, epiyumhsai 1, epiyumhseiv 2, epiyumhsete 1, epiyumhsousin 1, epiyumoumen 1, epiyumousin 1, epiyumwn 1
In NET:I have desired 2, desire 1, do covet 1, You desire 1, has desires 1, He was longing 1, Do covet 1, he desires 1, we passionately want 1, who longed 1, they will long 1, they did 1, long 1, longed 1, you will desire 1
In AV:desire 8, covet 3, lust 3, lust after 1, fain 1
Definition:1) to turn upon a thing
2) to have a desire for, long for, to desire
3) to lust after, covet
3a) of those who seek things forbidden
from 1909 and 2372; to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully
or otherwise):-covet, desire, would fain, lust (after).
see GREEK for 1909
see GREEK for 2372

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