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NETBible: Strong -- 1848

exoutheneo <1848>

exouyenew exoutheneo

Origin:a variation of 1847
In Greek:exouyeneite 1, exouyeneitw 1, exouyeneiv 1, exouyenhmena 1, exouyenhmenouv 1, exouyenhmenov 1, exouyenhsate 1, exouyenhsav 1, exouyenhsh 1, exouyenhyeiv 1, exouyenountav 1
In NET:despise 2, do you despise 1, despised 1, have no standing 1, Do treat with contempt 1, is of no account 1, treated with contempt 1, looked down 1, let treat with contempt 1, was rejected 1
In AV:despise 6, set at nought 3, esteem least 1, contemptible 1
Definition:1) to make of no account, despise utterly
a variation of 1847 and meaning the same:-contemptible, despise,
least esteemed, set at nought.
see GREEK for 1847

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