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NETBible: Strong -- 1702

empaizo <1702>

empaizw empaizo

Origin:from 1722 and 3815
Reference:TDNT - 5:630,758
In Greek:empaicyhsetai 1, empaixai 1, empaixav 1, empaixousin 1, empaizein 1, empaizontev 2, enepaicyh 1, enepaixan 4, enepaizon 1
In NET:were mocking 2, mocked 2, began to mock 1, be mocked 1, They will mock 1, he had been tricked 1, he will be mocked 1, they had mocked 1, they had finished mocking 1, to make fun 1, they mocked 1
In AV:mock 13
Definition:1) to play with, trifle with
1a) to mock
1b) to delude, deceive
from 1722 and 3815; to jeer at, i.e. deride:-mock.
see GREEK for 1722
see GREEK for 3815

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