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NETBible: Strong -- 1544

ekballo <1544>

ekballw ekballo

Origin:from 1537 and 906
Reference:TDNT - 1:527,91
In Greek:ekbale 5, ekbalein 4, ekbalete 2, ekbalh 5, ekballei 10, ekballein 6, ekballeiv 1, ekballetai 1, ekballete 1, ekballomenoi 1, ekballomenouv 1, ekballonta 2, ekballousin 3, ekballw 5, ekballwn 2, ekbalontev 2, ekbalousa 1, ekbalousin 1, ekbalw 3, ekbalwn 3, ekbalwsin 3, ekbeblhkei 1, ekblhyentov 1, ekblhyhsetai 1, ekblhyhsontai 1, exebalen 5, exeballon 1, exebalomen 1, exebalon 7, exeblhyh 1
In NET:cast out 14, casting out 4, remove 4, drove out 4, threw 4, he casts out 3, throw 2, brings 2, to remove 2, forced 1, drove 1, had been put outside 1, I will send 1, he brings 1, he had driven out 1, drive out 1, I am casting out 1, casts out 1, cast 1, by throwing 1, brings out 1, Throw out 1, he has brought out 1, could cast out 1, When had driven 1, They cast out 1, does cast out 1, put outside 1, to cast out 1, throws 1, thrown 1, threw out 1, to drive out 1, to send out 1, will be thrown out 1, will be driven 1, was cast out 1, took out 1, they will drive out 1, they want to send away 1, send out 1, reject 1, you drive out 1, passes out 1, sent 1, sent away 1, they threw 1, they had thrown 1, tear out 1, sent out 1, leave 1
In AV:cast out 45, cast 11, bring forth 3, pull out 3, send forth 3, misc 17
Definition:1) to cast out, drive out, to send out
1a) with notion of violence
1a1) to drive out (cast out)
1a2) to cast out
1a2a) of the world, i.e. be deprived of the power and
influence he exercises in the world
1a2b) a thing: excrement from the belly into the sink
1a3) to expel a person from a society: to banish from a family
1a4) to compel one to depart; to bid one depart, in stern
though not violent language
1a5) so employed that the rapid motion of the one going is
transferred to the one sending forth
1a51) to command or cause one to depart in haste
1a6) to draw out with force, tear out
1a7) with implication of force overcoming opposite force
1a7a) to cause a thing to move straight on its intended goal
1a8) to reject with contempt, to cast off or away
1b) without the notion of violence
1b1) to draw out, extract, one thing inserted in another
1b2) to bring out of, to draw or bring forth
1b3) to except, to leave out, i.e. not receive
1b4) to lead one forth or away somewhere with a force which he
cannot resist
from 1537 and 906; to eject (literally or figuratively):-bring forth,
cast (forth, out), drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take,
thrust) out, put forth (out), send away (forth, out).
see GREEK for 1537
see GREEK for 906

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