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NETBible: Strong -- 1538

hekastos <1538>

ekastov hekastos

Origin:as if a superlative of hekas (afar)
In Greek:ekasth 1, ekasthn 1, ekastoi 2, ekaston 13, ekastou 7, ekastov 38, ekastw 19, [ekastov] 1
In NET:each 33, each one 21, to each 5, Each 3, everyone 2, each person 2, to each one 2, To each 1, Everyone 1, Each of them 1, one by one 1, Each one 1, each man 1, each woman 1, whatever situation 1, each one's 1, in detail 1, every one 1
In AV:every man 39, every one 20, every 17, misc 7
Definition:1) each, every
as if a superlative of hekas (afar); each or every:-any, both, each
(one), every (man, one, woman), particularly.

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