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NETBible: Strong -- 1448

eggizo <1448>

eggizw eggizo

Origin:from 1451
Reference:TDNT - 2:330,194
In Greek:eggisai 1, eggisantov 1, eggisate 1, eggisav 2, eggisei 1, eggizei 2, eggizein 2, eggizomen 1, eggizontev 1, eggizonti 1, eggizontov 1, eggizontwn 1, eggizousan 1, eggizousin 1, hggiken 14, hggisan 2, hggisen 7, hggizen 2
In NET:is near 6, near 4, they approached 3, is approaching 3, he approached 3, approached 2, approaching 2, has come 2, we draw near 1, approaches 1, was near 1, Jesus approached 1, He walked up 1, As approached 1, Draw 1, came near 1, came up 1, has come near 1, was approaching 1, he will draw near 1, were coming 1, drew near 1, comes near 1, drawing near 1, risked 1
In AV:draw nigh 12, be at hand 9, come nigh 8, come near 5, draw near 4, misc 5
Definition:1) to bring near, to join one thing to another
2) to draw or come near to, to approach
from 1451; to make near, i.e. (reflexively) approach:-approach, be at
hand, come (draw) near, be (come, draw) nigh.
see GREEK for 1451

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